new to this forum wanna talk birds?

on 3/14/09 9:51 pm - GA
Hi everyone,
I am new to this forum, I never even knew it existed. Soooo here I am. Wanna talk birds? I LOVE talking birds!
I have around 70ish birds right now. I breed them. They all live in a outside aviary and every one of them live in flight cages. I do not keep them in flocks I keep them one pair per flight cage. Takes up more room that way but I LOVE watching them fly.
I have everything from finches to macaws.
Inside I have two goffins ****atoos and two ****atiels one is really old and the other is handicapped (she is not handicapped anymore cause the vet fixed her leg but she has not figured it out yet and that was years ago....HAHA
anyhoooooo anyone wanna talk birds?
Kimberly"be nice to me or I will sic my ninja monkeys on you"
on 5/2/09 2:16 pm

I "inherited" 2 birds (and their 2 giant cages) from my sister who had to move into a smaller place.  One is a ****atiel, the other a quaker.  The quaker has the habit of squawking at about 7:00 AM, even on weekends!  I should go to bed now, because I know that silly bird will have me up at the crack of dawn.  BTW, the quaker hates my husband and 2 boys, but loves me.  The ****atiel loves my oldest boy, tolerates my husband and other boy, and hates me.  I do not understand birds!


"Marriage must constantly fight against a monster which devours everything:  routine."  ~Honore de Balzac

on 5/2/09 9:00 pm - GA
Do you cover there cage really tight where they cannot see when the sun comes up? If not try that and see if he will sleep longer.

I have a ****atoo that is **** ant!! He hates everyone but is such a cutey that I just cannot get rid of
Kimberly"be nice to me or I will sic my ninja monkeys on you"
on 5/9/09 1:42 pm
(forgot to run spell check on the last post!  I hope this post works.  I just tried to repost it and it didn't take.)
Right now I cover their cages with old bed sheets.  I'm kind of afraid to put something thicker over them (like a blanket) for fear they will be smothered.  I've thought about getting a new window covering that will block the daylight out, but those are kind of pricey.  For what it's worth, the quaker cracks everyone up!  He has such a funny personality!  He's jealous of one of my dogs, and that dog is jealous of him.  If I have the bird on my finger, the dog will come up and nudge my other hand to be petted.  If I'm petting the dog and the quaker's cage door is open, the quaker will fly over and perch on me.  I bought both birds an electrically warmed perch (because I keep my house fairly cool in the winter to keep the utility bills down).  The quaker perches on the warming perch and then puts his security "blanket" over his back and wings to sleep.  The "blanket" is actually a toy that consists of about 5 small chains that hang from a ring that is clipped to the cage top.  So he basically sleeps with chains on his wings.  Weird bird!    If I could only get the quaker to be nice to my hubby and boys things would be much better!
"Marriage must constantly fight against a monster which devours everything:  routine."  ~Honore de Balzac

on 5/9/09 1:24 pm
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