ccrensh1’s Posts

on 8/12/23 2:27 pm
Topic: RE: Introducing Myself

So, I've posted in this group before about being uncertain about Bariatric surgery but knowing it's a tool to literally save my life. I had an initial appointment booked with surgeon Dr. David Brandon Williams at Vanderbilt (where all my specialists are), but canceled it again (5th cancellation).

Well I'm back in the medical hospital again with erratic blood pressure, severe headaches due to my IIH, and off and on chest pain and today the internal medicine doctor seeing me point blank said "you've got to get this weight off you or you may not survive the full life you want to live. This weight is killing you".

So I've rebooked the appointment and it's on 9/18. I've got to do it, no matter what.

I'm almost 33, 5'1" 271 pounds, BMI of 51.2, (I've gained about 5 pounds in 2 weeks).

My current co morbid conditions are Right Heart Strain/Heart Failure (just diagnosed), labile hypertension, severely high cholesterol and triglycerides, fatty liver disease, Type II Diabetes that is not well controlled, past history of PE, Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, widespread arthritis, frequent shortness of breath, Sleep Apnea, PCOS.

My mom died at 50 of a massive heart attack and lung failure, maternal grandfather passed at 76 of a massive heart attack. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension run rampant in my family.

I don't want to be next in the line of deaths in my family due to weight related conditions. So I'm finally ready to start this.

on 4/16/22 10:21 am
Topic: RE: New here ... 31 years old...BMI of 54.29

Hi all,

my name is Carrielee and I am 31 years old.

I have battled being overweight / obesity since I was a young child and I've finally gotten the courage to taking the steps toward a healthier self.

At 31, I'm 5 feet tall and weigh 278 pounds, at a BMI of 54.29, it's time to do this.

I suffer from a myriad of weight related health conditions and fear an early death if I don't take control of my weight and health.

I suffer from acid reflux, hypertension, high cholesterol, Type II diabetes, arthritis, limited mobility, chest pain/angina, sleep apnea, liver disease...I'm slowly killing myself and I'm tired of it.

Any tips for a first consult with a WLS surgeon? My appointment is on April 25.

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