How to keep your holes open during your hospital stay.

on 12/12/04 1:17 pm - Wynnewood, PA
Hails Everybody, I was a professional body piercer for 5 years before adopting a more lucrative career as an insurance agent. I am quite knowledgable about body piercings and their care so my advise here is safe to adopt and will not irritate your piercings. If you ever have to take your piercings out, perhaps for a surgery, x-rays or even a family photo, it's as easy as a quick trip to the hardware store to keep them open. All you need to do is buy weed-eater line, it's monofiliment and your body will not reject it! It's been years since I've purchased it because just one package is more than a lifetime's supply. Best of all, it should only cost you around $2!!!! All you have to do is get a pair of nail clippers and clip it down to the length of your piercing. It's clear so people probably won't even notice it's there especially if you have the ends of it flush with the hole. For lebret piercings, you might want to try melting one end and pressing it against a flat surface to make an inside backing for it. Because a big coil of it can be a bit awkward, it's best to cut yourself a bunch of 3 inch strips of it and put it in a little baggy for future use. If memory serves me correctly if your piercing is 14 gauge you should buy 0.06 in. and for 16 gauge 0.05 in. If you have larger or smaller gauges than that, well, you can just add or subtract based on the info I've given you. Of couse, as with all jewelry changes, make sure you wash your hands well with antibacterial soap before touching your piercing. If you need to ease insertion the best thing to use is ky jelly or another water based lubricant, if you don't have that use ointment but oil based lubricants are never the best because after the antiboitic properties have gone, it's just a magnet for bacteria and a barrier between your piercing and soap/oxygen. If at all possible, (especially if the piercing is new) try to make arrangements to keep your piercings in, a lot of the time doctor's will just give you a hard time about it and you don't really have to take it/them out. I can't count the times this has happened to me and I talked them into letting me keep them in, haha. Well, hope you guys have found this post helpful. Let me know if you have any questions. I'm scheduled for surgery on the 28th. I'm really excited and nervous and with 24 piercings, I'm definately using monofiliment in them! Anon, :Vindkald:
T R.
on 12/16/04 12:31 pm
That works!! LOL I didn't do it, but knew about it. All I did was stretch my labret up to a 12 gauge and my nostril piercing up to a 16 gauge a few weeks before surgery. It worked! Then I put my smaller gauge back in as soon as I got out of recovery. No problems!!
Lora Leach
on 12/30/04 12:46 am - Goreville, IL
I've had my tounge ring for 4 yrs. When I have the surgery do I have to put something in it to keep it from closing up? Or will I be safe with just having it out and puting it back in ASAP?
Katie D.
on 2/10/05 12:49 pm - Tonawanda, NY
If you've had your tongue ring in for 4 years, don't worry about it. I've left mine out for a month before it closed. The thing with tongue rings too is that it only closes with a very thin layer of skin on the ends, not in the middle so it really never closes too badly to the point of not being able to get it back in. So in that aspect it's a lot different than say, something else on your body.
on 12/31/04 12:06 am - Wichita, KS
WOW! Thank you so very much for the info. I had taken my tongue ring out on Sunday and forgot to put it back in until Tues, and my holes had already closed up from the outside. I was NOT about to have this happen all the way, so I just pushed and screwed until it went through. I really apprecaite your tip on the monfilament and I will send hubby for some ASAP. Best wishes for a hugely successful surgery. Patticake
on 1/12/05 3:31 pm - Wynnewood, PA
I took my tongue piercing out completely for the surgery. I've had it pierced for 10 years now and it's a 6 gauge so I wasn't worried about it. If you've had yours for over 2 years I wouldn't worry about it, just make sure to put it back in as soon as you think you're able. If you have trouble getting piercings back in, try using ointment or KY to lube up the hole/jewelry.
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