3 time cancer survivor- now something new

S W.
on 7/15/08 8:47 am, edited 7/15/08 8:49 am - MI
As a 3 time cancer survivor, in 1991:  uterus, ovaries (both) and cervix, undergoing a complete hysterectomy at age 31, never being able to bear children and blaming myself and others for this for years, feeling "who would ever want me like this" as seen in the movie "The Horse Whisperer".....today I received word that there is a new problem.  Perhaps we have caught it soon enough, it's all I can hope for.  At least my hopes are that it hasn't been present for too long.

I have what is called Dysplasia.   In other words:

Dysplasia is the earliest form of pre-cancerous lesion recognizable in a biopsy by a
pathologist.      Dysplasia can be low grade or high grade.   The risk of low grade dysplasia transforming into high grade dysplasia and, eventually, cancer is low. Treatment is usually straightforward. High grade dysplasia represents a more advanced progression towards malignant transformation.

I can only hope that this clears up, and I would appreciate your hugs, prayers and well wishes as this will be removed in the coming week or two.  I am awaiting an appointment right now.

Thank you and all my best to you.

Stacey in Michigan

on 7/16/08 11:33 am - Albuquerque, NM
Stacey, you certainly have my prayers and well wishes.  I too am a cancer survivor:  2005, colo-rectal cancer resulting in the removal of my entire colon and leaving me with an ostomy.  One year later I was given the "wonderful news" that it had spread and I now had squameous cell carcenoma in my pelvic area, lymph nodes and vaginal cancer.  Chemo, radiation, all kinds of surgery, tons and tons of prayers and well wishes and a positive attitude kept me going.  I am now four years out and doing great!  There is light at the end of the tunnel.  Keep your spirits high and know that you are in my thoughts.


You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
Unknown Author
Failure is only a fact when you give up. Everyone gets knocked down, the question is: Will you get back up?

on 12/17/08 6:56 am
I am sending hugs and best wishes to you that everything will be just fine.  You are a survivor, so get mad at that darned dysplasia and I will pray that you will have good results.  Good luck.


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