Cramping between breasts, anyone?

kit J.
on 7/2/13 1:02 am - culver city, ca
After my RNY 13 years ago, I started getting these chest pains that lasted a couple minutes. Terrible cramp. Of course I went to the Dr thinking it was a heart attach, but it wasn't, thank goodness. Never did find the cause, but it was so infrequent that I didn't worry about it. Now I get it several times a day and it doesn't really go away. Anyone else experience this?
on 7/15/13 3:28 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Do u still have your gallbladder? Dull pain between my breasts was the first symptom I had with gallstones




dolly O.
on 7/23/13 2:27 pm - league city, TX
I have severe episodes of a tightening, take my breath away chest pain, cardiologist said my heart was fine. Upon my own research I discovered that it could possibly be esophageal spasms. Read up on it and see if it sounds like what you are experiencing. Now I have a burning pain in my mid upper abdomen, Gastro appt I go. Thinking maybe hernia or ulcer :/

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Dolly Oliver


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