My Upper Abdomen is HUGE and I Can't BURP!!

Tamera E.
on 7/15/13 1:54 am - Mesquite, TX

I am 5 years out from a RNY revision (from a VBG in 2003). I have a flat stomach in the morning but blow up after eating just about everything. I almost never am able to burp (it has to be really bad and then it's only a small burp) and interestingly, I pass no feed on the rare occasion I "vomit".

I have told my Bariatric surgeon and he told me to stop chewing gum, don't talk while I eat, decrease gas-producing foods, etc.

I don't think he grasps the severity of swelling I have: my abdominal circumfrence can expand over 9 inches from morning to night (upper abdomen)! I have to change from medium to large scrubs by the end of a 12 hour shift, MOST days!

Am I alone in this symptom or are there others out there with similar end-of-day bloating?

Thanks.. Feeling Pudgy in Dallas!

H.A.L.A B.
on 7/19/13 10:06 pm
Sorry you having so much trouble. I am 5 years out and I had to drastically change my diet. From simple things like constipation to food allergies bacterial overgrowth candida , diverticulitis or hernia and intestine... Anything is possible. Limiting foods and drinks that may cause gas and making sure you are not constipated (even with BM every day - you may have a lot of mass in your guts) may be a first choice.

In case - I can't eat beans, starchy veggies, onions, garlic or soy. I have to be very careful with ANY Sugar alcohols (added to sf gum, and other sf items) I can't drink carbonated drinks without serious gas. I take a lot of stuff to make sure I am not constipated...
I would suggest a good BM cleansing (for colonoscopy) then introduce foods slowly to see what may be causing the issue.
Having a blockage - may cause the food to get stuck in your guts longer causing the destention. (Sorry for some spelling)

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

H.A.L.A B.
on 7/19/13 10:11 pm
You may Google FODMAP. It is list of foods that may cause extra gas in some people. That may be your starting point to see if elimination some foods will help,
A few months ago I decided to try gluten free diet, while at the same time avoiding starches. It helped me as lot. Now if I eat some foods with hidden gluten (I e meatballs - probably made with bread crumbs) I know the next day.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

(deactivated member)
on 10/2/13 8:12 am - Fair Oaks, CA
My suggestion is ask if you have "leaky gut". I had this issue and found a way to control it, as well as my constant nausea, gut pain and malabsorption issues. My surgery was an open RNY 2001. Complication arose a year later, i stroked in 2004. I was on infusions since 2004, and now my port (central line for nutrition, etc) has been removed in July. I eat whole foods, not processed, fruits, veggies, etc...but what saved my life and balanced my system? Cannabis oil. Email me if you have questions. ~Blessings
Corgi Mom !.
on 10/31/13 11:32 am - sunny, FL
Get checked or internal have same issues I did and it was a hernia
Corgi Mom
287/129  bmi 20.2 height  5'7"
Loss is good Maintanance is GREAT
Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly
on 11/18/13 9:06 am - Pass Christian, MS

I was in the hospital last week for an internal hernia.  I went to the local hospital where my primary dr is located, the hospital admitted me and did a ct scan.  The ct scan said I had an internal hernia,  my primary and a general surgeon thought it was best to wait and it would be fine.  That wasn't the case.  I waited 4 days hooked up to an iv and no food(i wasn't hungry anyways) On the 4th day they did another ct scan and it said the same thing.  The general surgeon told me that if he did the surgery it would be an exploritory surgery and i would have a huge scar, I told him to just fixed me.  A couple of hours went by and the surgeon came back and told me he talked to a local bariatric dr and asked if it was ok to send me over there.  Within an hour I was transported over to the bariatric hospital.  I met Dr. French, he explained to me what was going on and what he was going to do, he was very nice and knew what he was doing.  Within an hour of being at the bariatric hospital I was in surgery.  I am still recovering and in a lot of pain.  I go for my follow up on Wednesday.

on 2/8/14 3:09 pm

This is a recent new problem of mine.  My bariatric surgeon did repair a small internal hernia the last week of 2013.  I have recovered from that but I still have my same issues with food, bloating, illness, intolerance of foods, no appetite, spasms, cramping, and more.  I had an upper GI which showed that everything was moving through as it shoud be.  I was scheduled for an upper endoscopy to rule out an ulcer, but the new GI dr's office cancelled the procedure due to snow here that morning.  I have yet to reschedule.  My bariatric surgeon said he thinks I may have IBS.  I also have issues with my thyroid now, and am due to schedule a procedure to kill off my thyroid completely...I wonder if this is one of the reasons my weight loss has been so drastic and problematic.  Please post if you find any new info!

on 1/8/16 12:53 pm
You probably have too much calcium. Should try stopping calcium and vit d supplementation and see if symptoms get better.

Take Care

Start 290, Current 180, Goal 150
on 1/8/16 12:56 pm
Take acidophalous daily.

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Start 290, Current 180, Goal 150
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