Bowel Movements?

Elizabeth P.
on 9/26/04 10:14 pm - Middletown, NY
I had my surgery pm 9/17/04, my first bowel movement was the next day which turned out to be blood and was given blood transfusions, etc. 10 days later I have not had a bowel movent although I do feel and pass gas. Is this normal? I'm still on a liquid diet and that might be one of the answers but I'm still worried.
on 9/27/04 7:49 am - Gallipolis, OH
I am 5 weeks out and I have the same problem. It took me 2 weeks to have a bowel movement and that was with the help of suppositories. I still am not having bowel movements unless I take something to help. My doc had me start using Metamucil or anything like that will work. It seems to be helping me some. I'm still not regular but it is getting better. Good Luck Kim
on 9/21/07 7:39 am - FL
I had my rny on 9/14/2007.   I had black bowel movement today ,  my first...this means blood? well I am feeling great no pain and I will see dietitan Monday I will worry about it then.  I am thinking this is normal for my first BM.  should i be worried?
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