Pulmonary Embolism...

alli E.
on 9/29/04 11:55 am - CA
Please email me if you have had one or are a doctor or nurse... I want to know if I should be seeing a SPECIALTY doctor or just a PCP??? A cardiologist?? Pulmonary doc??? I dont really know what these doctors do??!?!??! Please I really want to keep on top of my health!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!
carrie B.
on 10/2/04 11:39 am - oak creek, WI
Hi, I am a nurse...What has your PCP done for your pulmonary embolism? A PCP is fine, as long as she follows you closely. Have they talked about a greenfield filter? I guess my main concern is what are they doing for your current PE. Carrie
on 10/12/04 11:02 am - Baltimore, MD
I've now seen this term twice... what is a "greenfield filter" ? Thanks!
on 10/18/04 5:25 am - Valrico, FL
Click on the link for a description and picture of the greenfield filter. http://www.greenfieldfilter.com/ Terri Pratt
Patricia G.
on 1/7/05 2:55 am - Sault Ste Marie, MI
In Feb of 2004 I had problems with right leg swelling. I didnt do anything for about 10 days. It finally dawned on me that this was not normal. I went to my doctor and she took one look and told me it was a blood clot in my leg. Off to the ER I went. I had tests done, and yes it was a clot or embolism in my leg. I was put on blood thinners and was shown how to give myself the shots of Lovenox. Went home and about 4 hrs later I started having pain in my right chest and right side of my back. I was going to tough it out. My son who is a RN callled me from work to ask how I was feeling. I told him and he freaked screaming at me to go to the ER. Yes it was a pulmonary embolism. I spent 3 days in ICU, then 3 more on reg floor. I was on Coumadin a blood thinner for 10 months. Well now I know better then to let something like that go untreated for so long. Good Luck to you. Pat G p.s. I didnt have any specialists, just my regular doctor
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