Sleeved in April, would love a penpal

on 9/24/13 12:37 am

I would love a penpal (or 2 or 3 or 4) to talk about our issues together. 

Morgan C.
on 9/25/13 10:54 am - PA

I'll be your penpal! I've been looking for friends to talk about the same things in common.

on 9/25/13 11:24 pm

Sure, that would be great.  Not sure how to proceed, do we add each other as friends, exchange emails, or what?

Morgan C.
on 9/26/13 8:26 am - PA

Ya! My email is [email protected]

on 10/3/13 3:21 pm - Fresno, CA

Hi I'm Sandra. I'm 30 years old and I am above 300lbs. However...I have lost 45 already...and looking to lose A LOT more.

I currently live in Fresno California (about 3 hours from LA) and I am looking for buddies to work out with. I have a friend who lives in South Carolina and every day we would text message each other our work outs. Well unfortunately she had a tragic loss in her family and she no longer has the momentum. Although I am doing everything I can for her and she KNOWS I will be here for her when she's ready, I want to continue my workouts.

Because of the awesomeness that we have started...I realized via cell phone (APP, so no phone numbers are exchanged) I am able to work out with whoever wants to exercise. So that is why I'm here. I already have a group started...but its REEEEEEEEALLY SLOW. My goal is to have 2 or 3 workouts posted each day.

All of this will make more sense if you check out the link below. It is a local womens only group, but I am able to extend the WORKOUT version (vs personal in town meetups) to those far and wide. Its free, easy, and innovative so if you want to just at least check it out let me know ok! =)

PS: I'm looking for people who will actually POST workouts...vs join and never do anything :P
Its a motivational mobile group. Check it out....btw this is not spam.. !

on 10/18/13 11:53 pm

hello, Im looking for a penpal, someone that has has the sleeve, my surgury is Nov 8. Excited !!! Always have struggled with my weight and cannot weight to have a tool that does not fail !

on 10/22/13 4:52 am

Hi trisdakay, I'd love to become penpals.

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