Pre-Op Oregon Gal Looking For Pen Pal

Paulett C.
on 6/27/04 10:45 am - Scappoose, OR
Hello! I am getting ready to head in to my last psych appt this week and am a little nervous about it. I would love to hear from anyone who is at any stage of their progress. Does anyone have any helpful hints on what happends next etc..?? I just pray that it all turns out the right way. Hope to hear from ya soon. Take Care! ~Paulett
Tracye W.
on 6/29/04 4:07 am - Portland, OR
Hi Paulette, I am waiting for my surgery date, 7/27/04, so I am still pre-op. Is that okay? I would like to pal up with you. Just email me. Tracye
Paulett C.
on 6/29/04 1:09 pm - Scappoose, OR
Hi Tracye!!! Of course it is okay if you are Pre-OP!! I am so excited for YOU! I need someone to talk to as you do. Can I ask who your surgeon is? Are you going through Doctor Patterson's office, Good Sam? Tomorrow I have my last psych appt, then I should be able to move fwd with scheduling a date w/doc Patterson. I sure hope my new insurance company will help cover it. I just changed jobs, my insurance before would not cover it. I am praying that I can make it through this!! I went into your web-page, that is very nice! I had thought about doing that too, I am just not that creative. Have to go for now, write when you can and THANKS for being my pal. Take Care ~Paulett
Tracye W.
on 6/30/04 9:21 am - Portland, OR
Hey Paulett, Dr. Deveney at OHSU is going to do the Laparasopic Gastric Bypass on me. I had gone to Dr. Patterson's Orientation last year at Emmanuel Hospital, but the hospital would not have been covered by my insurance so I went with OHSU. How did your psych appt go? You will make it though this. I called OHSU last August (2003) in order to get an appt for orientation for March 2004 And once I had oriention everything moved quickly. So I pray that your date will be soon on it's way!! Terri here on AMOS did it for me an I am pleased with it. You can go to the very bottom of my profile and click to have someone do your page too. I look forward to hering from you and have a great afternoon & evening Tracye
on 7/1/04 4:05 pm - Imperial, CA
Paulett C.
on 7/2/04 12:33 pm - Scappoose, OR
Hi Trish!! So tell me, how did things go for you today?? I had wanted to email you earlier, but was SO busy at work today I did not have a chance. I am so excited for you!! I can't wait for the day to say I have a scheduled surgery... Let me know how your day went! Thanks for being my pen pal. Take Care, TTYL ~Paulett
on 7/2/04 1:20 pm - Imperial, CA
My pcp cleared me for wls, they took blood & will fwd to my wls doc. I'm happy!!! go me go me I'm being silly, but it's fun!!! spin my wls dr. will call me tuesday, cause monday is a legel holiday ,for July give me a date!!! (biting my nails) I could everyone I'll keep you posted Paulett I needed a buddy, Happy I found you see ya!! Trish
Paulett C.
on 7/2/04 2:16 pm - Scappoose, OR
Go Trish Go Trish Go Trish!! I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! WHOOOO HOOOOOO!! Congrats my friend. This is great! I hope I can share news such as that with you sometime soon..... let's say I am praying! Keep me posted girl! We need to support each other and I am here for YOU! I am glad you found me too. If you would like to, feel free to email me at my email address. Here it is, [email protected].... no pressure though ok? TTYL, have a safe and sober 4th! ~Paulett
on 7/2/04 2:29 pm - Imperial, CA
thank-you :bow; thank-you bow: I'm happy tonight!!!! you make it fun too!!!!, i get happy seeing those happy symbols don't you?? don't tell me you don't smile thanks i will e-mail you too, glad you're out there!!!! partytime! spin: happpppyyyy!! talk to you sooooon Trish
on 7/3/04 2:05 am - Imperial, CA
How's things this morning??? you are a blast! so much with work and the kids, now us bigggg babies on wls??? I take that back Men are the bigggggest babies when they r sick I'm not going out for the 4th, too fat hide at home,more comfortable talk to ya later your pal Trish
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