We are everywhere!

Sandra A.
on 7/18/03 4:11 pm - Duluth, GA
I'm surprized I don't see more of us having WLS. I know so many fat Lesbians. I too am a fat Lesbian getting a Lap DS in 25 days. I live in the Atlanta area and have been with my partner for 12 years. There are some additional things to think about when getting this surgery or any surgery. If you want your partner to have all the rights of a spouse, you have to give her those rights with a health care power of attorney and a living will. Nice to see a message board for us.
on 7/22/03 11:53 pm - Noblesville, IN
I couldn't agree more about the importance of having your paperwork in order--my partner and I had healthcare powers of attorney drawn up and brought copies to the hospital. I also named her as my emergency contact on my intake forms. We were fortunate that we didn't need to make any scene-- the hospital treated her as a spouse and she was encouraged to room in with me if she wanted. The interesting thing is that before my surgery I posted a question to a fellow "family" member asking whether she had encountered problems getting her partner included by the medical staff and she acted like I was nuts even to anticipate a potential problem. Then again, she was in California, whereas I am smack in the midwest. And yes, I would imagine the number of us pursuing surgery will grow as the stigma (perhaps) goes away...but there are still those folks who make everything into a political issue, and they seem to be the ones from whom I've gotten the flak about "selling out to the patriarchy." Perhaps not coincidentally, they also tend to be on the big side themselves.
Kim K.
on 8/25/03 5:29 am - PA
Yes we are! Your time is almost here, are ya nervous? I thought I was going to go crazy the few weeks before surgery. I didn't really have any papers drawn up, which was really stupid on my part. I live in an area that is pretty conservative. and was worried that the hospital wouldn't let Crystal have access if something went wrong. Luckily things went smoothly. The hospital didn't blink an eye towards our relationship, the nurses and aides were just fine with it, well... at least didn't say anything negative. So, what made you chose the DS procedure over any others? I am just curious because I didn't really study that procedure. I went with the RNYGB because of my surgeon, and most people on this site. Well, take care and don't freak out too much LOL! Kim
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