Article on RNY

on 5/24/11 3:30 am - Ottawa, Canada

Referral sent 2010-03-02
Information session 2011-01-21
Appointment with the nurse 2011-02-17
Appointment with Diet/Behav 2011-03-09
Scope 2011-04-29
Education session 2011-05-04
CT Scan 2011-06-02
Appointment with Dr. Yelle 2011-06-28
Appointment with Dr. Klein 2011-08-16
Surgery - Hopefully!
on 5/24/11 3:40 am - Cannifton, Canada
A little scary but at the same time I think we still have to be responsible for what we put in our mouth. Once at a stable maintainable healthy weight with hopefully a more physically active life our tool is in the background.

But then "but for the grace of God go I".... I dread the thought of getting to goal and then regaining. Maybe I will have a different opinion in a few years.

(deactivated member)
on 5/24/11 3:46 am - Toronto, Canada
I agree, we are responsible for what we do with the tool after we're given it. 

The study eludes to patients eating meals high in simple carbs.  Well...yeah, that's gonna cause hunger and ultimately weight gain.  I think sometimes we can get lax with the rules and forget that "protein first" ALWAYS applies.

I'm hoping Ive made enough changes pre-surgery to be successful post surgery but I also know that maintaining will be the toughest part of this journey. 
Monica M.
on 5/24/11 3:59 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
I totally agree with you, Simona. The risks are, it seems weight gain related to frequent huger, which is related to consumption of simple carbs and resulting reactive hypoglycemia. I wonder if they studied people who followed the "protein first" mandate.

Maintenance is, likely, cuz i'm not there yet, the most difficult part of this process. Learn to eat properly now, and continue with those eating habits.
Bonnie ABC
on 5/24/11 4:25 am - Smiths Falls, Canada
RNY on 09/16/08 with
It would be far more interesting to see responses from those further out, those that struggle and can be honest with us.   I love what Diminishing Dawn has been posting on her new website.  It's honest.  Losing the weight is easy, in that first year or two, but later, it's a lot harder and re-gain is real.
I, in no way mean to be a downer, but it's a reality, and I'm trying to keep it honest and not tell you stories of rainbows and puppy dogs.  I think that's why I love Melting Mama, she's honest.. and Jupiter6. 
When you're out by a few years, you start to understand what people are saying in posts like mine.


   I can do hard things, life is teaching me that I can.
             Lost 222lbs with rny, 20 lbs regain.
                        Plastics, July 2010 with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey, Mexico
Monica M.
on 5/24/11 4:32 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
oh i totally understand, Bonnie. I know that wls is not magic, and it won't solve any of my bad eating habits. I'm on the hook for those. I am anticipating that I'll have huge challenges in the years after wls. I'm doing my best to learn as much as i can, and to make necessary changes in my life so that I can face those challenges. I don't want no freaking rainbows or puppy dogs. I'm expecting thunderstorms and rottweillers.
Bonnie ABC
on 5/24/11 4:58 am - Smiths Falls, Canada
RNY on 09/16/08 with
That's good Monica.  Thunderstorms and Rottweillers are part of this story.  The monster within seems to lie dormant for a long time, me over 2 1/2 years.   Then watch out.. man, it's a wicked monster I must keep on top of.  Mind you, it had to be a wicked monster to take me to the weight I got to.   Read all the boards, attend meetings, find friends who challenge, encourage, and threaten to kick you in the butt should you need it.  I am grateful.


   I can do hard things, life is teaching me that I can.
             Lost 222lbs with rny, 20 lbs regain.
                        Plastics, July 2010 with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey, Mexico
Monica M.
on 5/24/11 5:11 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
The one huge thing that is making this journey different for me, Bonnie, is my use of supports. I am currently attending a support group, my friends are with me, i'm being honest with them, and most importantly, honest with myself. I am keeping a food journal, i plan on keeping that up. I will keep on these boards as much as i can (its my homepage on my work and home computer). Knowing people like you, who don't candycoat things, makes this real for me.
Bonnie ABC
on 5/24/11 5:15 am - Smiths Falls, Canada
RNY on 09/16/08 with
Sounds to me like you've done your research and you are participating in your new lifestyle.  Good for you.   Support groups keep me sane.  I go to as many as I possibly can.  Good for you.


   I can do hard things, life is teaching me that I can.
             Lost 222lbs with rny, 20 lbs regain.
                        Plastics, July 2010 with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey, Mexico
Joyce J.
on 5/24/11 5:15 am - Scarborough, Canada
Hi Monica

You are doing all the right things. Keep up the good work and you will go far. I wish I had done some of those things early out

I come on here almost everyday for the past 6 years. That is really a big help that's for sure

Take care

Joyce----Today is the first day of the rest of your life

