Surgery date under Avatar

A T.
on 8/26/11 1:47 am - Hamilton, Canada

How do you put you surgery date and surgeon under your avatar

on 8/26/11 2:00 am - Welland, Canada
Im trying to figure that one out too so i can chane my surgeon and add a date

St Joes Hamilton Ref Sent 01/20/11 Surgery 08/23/11 with Dr.Gmora. My  Tanya T


on 8/26/11 2:43 am - Canada
I cant remember how either, but I do know someone posted how to do it a few days ago maybe you can search it? Sorry im not more help.
Kerry F.
on 8/26/11 2:54 am - Bolton, Canada
On your Profile page, go to 'My Journey', then click on 'add a surgery'...then fill in the details :)


What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - Ralph Waldo Emerson   

on 8/26/11 9:12 am - Welland, Canada
Ok Thank you

St Joes Hamilton Ref Sent 01/20/11 Surgery 08/23/11 with Dr.Gmora. My  Tanya T


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