Last Optifast tonight

A T.
on 9/3/11 11:05 am - Hamilton, Canada
 Can't believe I made it with the Optifast, now the biggest challenge to be on just fluids
the next 2 days.  I have to work on Sunday and it will be really hard but also help pass the 
Tuesday is my start to a new me can't wait!!!

Linda G.
on 9/3/11 11:14 am - Burlington, Canada
Hi Allison!  Congrats on making it through the Optifast stage!  If you made it through that, the next two days will be a breeze!  As you said, keep busy and time will fly bye!  Best of luck on Tuesday.

Tanya T.
on 9/3/11 11:15 am
You did awesome on it!  WhooHoo for Tuesday the day has finally come!!



on 9/3/11 12:19 pm - Canada
I am excited for you Allison. It feels so good to be on the other side and you will be there before you know it. Connie is having surgery the same day as you and I am her angel. Hopefully you guys will end up in the same room. The liquids are a little tough but the hunger will be a thing of the past soon. Do you have an angel that will be reporting to the board for you?
HW 305.5  Optifast 290 SW  276.5  CW 249 GW 148  My angels are Connie and Leanne
on 9/3/11 12:38 pm - Harriston, Canada
Best of luck for Tuesday
A T.
on 9/3/11 7:31 pm - Hamilton, Canada

I have Tanya T as my Angel

Allyson A.
on 9/3/11 9:09 pm - Seeleys Bay, Canada
Congratz Allison, wishing you an uneventful and speedy recovery.

HW 318  SW 291 

Monica M.
on 9/3/11 9:56 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
woot woot!!!!!
on 9/4/11 3:34 am - Cambridge, Canada
Congrats, your going to do great!
Best wishes Tuesday.


Dr. Reed
VSG May 24/2011

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