surgeon appointment

Pam B.
on 9/7/11 12:15 am
I am so excited!!!  I got the call today for my appointment with Dr. Gmora on September 29!!!!!  Just so that I am prepared,  what happens at the surgeon appointment and how long does it usually last?
         Referral Sent: February 2011   Surgery Date: November 2, 2011 by the fantabulous Dr. Gmora!!!    
Brenda T.
on 9/7/11 12:23 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/14/12
exciting, one step closer.
on 9/7/11 1:02 am - Canada
I just met hima few weeks ago, so cute and super nice! He explains to you what the surgery entails and why you are a candidate for it. He makes you swear that you will attend all appointments pre op and post even after losing all the weight. You speak with a "fellow" about your history and issues and things you have tried. Its easy so no worries about it. It lasted about 20 min once I was in. Hope this helps.
Pam B.
on 9/7/11 1:35 am
thanks this does help!
on 9/7/11 2:19 am - Canada
im not sure if you can read my blog on here but I wrote all about it in there.If you wanted to read it your more then welcome. Good luck!
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