WLS Timeline spreedsheet

Brenda T.
on 12/21/11 11:27 pm - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/14/12
Just went onto our joint timeline spreedsheet and it has gotten all mix somehow....  so if you wanted to go on there and fix your inputs it might be a good idea.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?authkey=CJCu_tcC&key =0AvBMWgPqaVJldGRNSlJkcmRZSmVTNWhFbVJEWWhFX1E&hl=en&authkey= CJCu_tcC#gid=0

Brenda             Visit my profile for timelines                         My  is Monica M.

on 12/22/11 1:53 am - Canada
Brenda is this spread sheet only for people who have had surgery. Am barely computer literate let alone reading a spread sheet. That's probably why I only taught gr.1 .
Brenda T.
on 12/22/11 2:20 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/14/12

No everyone going thru the process can enter their info, auto saves.

Brenda             Visit my profile for timelines                         My  is Monica M.

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