Monday Morning Weigh In

on 2/6/12 12:31 am - Whitby, Canada
 Good Monday morning to all........and welcome all 1st time posters...

HW - 227.5 lbs. Oct 1/11
SW - 218.5 lbs. Oct 14/11
TW - 174.5 lbs.   Feb 6/12 

Total weight loss = 53 pounds

I have reached my goal weight ..... and LOVE my RNY !!!!!!!!!


on 2/6/12 12:50 am - Ottawa, Canada
Good Morning everyone,

This is my first time posting in here (i think lol) I finally broke a stall that has been lasting forever

HW - 302
LW - 236
TW - 228

Good bye 230's!! I am pretty sure I'm now the same size I was in Grade 9 woohoo!! 

Congrats to all the other stall breakers and everyone else, we really do rock!

Referral to Registry January 4 2011         Surgery November 7 2011
on 2/6/12 1:09 am - Whitby, Canada
Nothing like going back to grade 9......without having to do the homework....LOL....
Congrat's !!!!!!!!!!!!

I have reached my goal weight ..... and LOVE my RNY !!!!!!!!!


on 2/6/12 2:44 am - Canada
I am nowhere even close to having surgery yet, but I love reading this thread to see how successful everyone has been!!  You are all truly an inspriation to those of us waiting patiently for our turn!!
on 2/6/12 4:01 am

HW 255
LW 168
TW 167

on 2/6/12 8:46 am - Kitchener, Canada
Highest - 254
Surgery - 238
Current - 154

I had surgery Feb 10/2011 and I have dropped 100 pounds.  Totally proud of myself and shocked that I did it !!!  the surgery was the tool, but I am the one that used it.   Yay to me!
on 2/6/12 9:01 am - mississauga, Canada
congratts to all whose stall broke this week including myself been stuck at the same wait for more then a month but today it finally moved down and i too am so excited. it was only a few lbs but it still excited me and with me celebrating my seven month surgerversary it made me even more happier so here it is
SW 358
CW 236!!!
RNY 07/05/11 dr klein!!! love it soo happy xxoo!!
Tammy G.
on 2/10/12 3:09 am - London, Canada
RNY on 01/25/12
Just realized I forgot to post my Monday Morning Weigh In.

HW: 373
SW: 330
LW: 324
TW: 320

I am definitely not complaining, can`t wait to see next weeks weigh in!!  



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