What are you eating/ doing today? (Tuesday)

on 3/26/12 11:18 pm

Morning all

Into St Joe's this morning for my 3 year blood work.....glad that's done...

OK Erica....we are going to have bad nights/days etc,......I guess the key is not making them bad weeks....good that you are home and can cook for yourself....its difficult when you aren't the one choosing what to cook....

Down another few ounces this morning....and feeling in charge

B -3 oz smoked trout -when I arrived at the office....took the leavings straight out to the dumpster and aired my office out after...lol

S - tangerine

l - homemade veggie beef soup

s - veggies and dip

d - light eating day to this point so will likely have chicken or beef tonight for density....and some broccoli

s - Popsicle

All water - 2-3 litres...plus decaf coffee and tea...and vits

Have a great one







on 3/27/12 2:08 am - Canada
RNY on 01/06/12

B: 1/4 cup greek yogurt, 3tbsp bran buds, 1/4cup raspberries
S: 1/2 a protein bar
L:  2oz garlic shrimp, 1/3 cup quinoa salad
S: 3 triscuits, 2tbsp hummus, 1 babybel
D: 2 oz curry chicken, 1/3 cup rice and veggies.

on 3/27/12 2:09 am - Canada
RNY on 01/06/12
And as much as I'll feel guilty all night for not walking, my hip has been hurting really bad. I want to give it a night off to see if it helps.
on 3/27/12 3:25 am
2 C decaf coffee

B: plain Oatmeal with 1/4 c fibre one

2 C SF Fruit Punch
S: Protein Bar

L: 1C lettuce with 60g chicken 1/4 c Fibre 1. (no fat dressing) an egg (too much no?)

S: 33g Turkey Kielbasa

2 C coffee

D: maybe 1/2 C lazy lasagna with salad

Prob more coffee
S: ?

