Pam B.
on 3/30/12 3:26 am
It is not a very long one, but I am very proud to say that I can wear my son's (who is a skinny beanpole) shirts and sweaters!!!!  I am so super overwhelmed by the choices I have now of where I can buy clothes that I don't go shopping because I don't know where to start!  Anyone else have this problem?
         Referral Sent: February 2011   Surgery Date: November 2, 2011 by the fantabulous Dr. Gmora!!!    
Karen M.
on 3/30/12 3:29 am - Mississauga, Canada
Oh gosh yes - it was extremely overwhelming!  I didn't know if I even had a "style". LOL
I still find it hard at times - so I find designer bargoons at places like Value Village and Talize. lol



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 3/30/12 4:02 am - Ottawa, Canada
Congrats on your NSV WOOT-WOOT

I'm with Karen on this....VV is my first choice to shop, nothing like a great find to brighten up ones day


In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Surgery July 22, 2011  Starting weight 270  128 lbs lost  Today's weight 142 lbs                 Ann       



Karen W.
on 3/30/12 4:04 am - Canada
I think that's an awesome NSV!  Thanks for sharing it!

I don't know where to shop either.  I'm still VV'ing, even though I'm at goal, because we're pretty broke due to me going back to school this year.  I don't know what kind of clothes are sold in what stores, or even what really looks good on me yet.  I'm planning on dong a major VV trip with my best boyfriend (he's a fashion fiend) in a couple of weeks, so he can help me figure out what I should be wearing!  Good luck and have fun checking out the new world of shopping options!
   RNY April 11, 2011       
Brenda T.
on 3/30/12 4:58 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/14/12
Nice!!! The whole world is opened up now!!

Brenda             Visit my profile for timelines                         My  is Monica M.

on 3/30/12 8:35 am - Canada
This is extremely common because we are accustomed to trying to covering our too big behinds while trying to match the wallpaper as best we can.

May I suggest buying some simple jeans and knit tops at Value village.  That will at least get you into something that fits.  

If you are interested in developing a "style" , check out a couple of fashion blogs online.  One I really like is called "What I wore".  Just Google those words and it will come up.  Her style sense is something I can relate to and I modify hemlines to suit an older flabbier leg.
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