Stretching Pouch

on 4/1/12 8:47 am
I'm almost 2 weeks post-op and so far don't seem to be having problems with any foods.  But I had a 1/2 c of tuscan tomato soup, 1/4 c of cottage cheese and 1/2c sugar free pudding over 2 hrs for dinner.  I should mention that I slept right through lunch today.  I don't normally have this much, but it made me worry that I could stretch my pouch.  I felt full for the first time and really noticed it b/c I tried to drink some water after.  Any thoughts?  My hubby said he thinks I would only stretch it if I eat to full or over full all the time.
Orientation: Oct. 5/11     NP: Nov. 16/11     SW: Nov. 16/11
NC: Nov. 23/11     N-1on1: Jan. 6/12     PSYC: Jan. 6/12
Surgeon:  Feb. 24/12     Surgery:  March 20/12

on 4/1/12 9:01 am - Kitchener, Canada
from what I understand, and have yet to get a straight answer, including from  the doctor.

excess overeating over a long period of time stretches the pouch, not a one shot deal.

this to me makes no sense, as the new pouch is formed from a portion of the stomach that will not stretch, but I am not a bariatric professional, just one of the many patients.  

I can definately eat more now 1 year later in a sitting than I could the first couple of months.  Do I thnk my pouch has stretched ?  Nope, just believe it is now healed where it can hold more.

will check back in to see what others have to say.   I hear storeis of people who gained back their weight, is it a result of a stretched stomach or poor food choices? not sure.

on 4/1/12 9:14 am - Harriston , Canada
my hubby is 2 yrs out and maintaing. because he is so much more physically fit/active he is maintaining, last time he saw nancy she told him he had "streched his pouch" slow slow onset of overeating. over about 4-6 months , now he is back to measuring and making better choices.,
(deactivated member)
on 4/1/12 9:28 am, edited 4/1/12 9:29 am - Canada
During my appointments I was told that it's not the pouch that stetches but the opening to the intestine which can make food pass more quickly, thus the patient is hungrier more often and eats more.

Now...this could be incorrect too.

Also, what you ate is very soft and will pass through quicker than a dense meat like beef or chicken. It's likely not staying in your pouch long enough to cause any stretching.
Diminishing Dawn
on 4/1/12 9:40 am - Windsor, Canada
 Congratulations. You're normal .lol

Liquids drip constantly out of the pouch. Therefore as you are putting more in, it's coming out at the same time and going through your digestive track.   No worries.    Hard food will be different.

17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

Megan M.
on 4/1/12 10:03 pm - Canada
The foods you listed would all be considered slider foods which slip right through instead of spending much time in the pouch.  That would probably explain why you were able to handle so much - but remember that was over a 2-hour period.  It's not going to stretch anything.

Had RNY surgery July 22/11, St. Joe's Hamilton, with the awesome Dr. Scott Gmora.  Had abdominoplasty August 2/13, Scarborough, with equally awesome Dr. Michael Kreidstein.

Karen W.
on 4/1/12 10:24 pm - Canada
Don't worry.  You're good.

You should note that you probably won't feel full at 2 weeks out.  Many people don't feel full for a long time.  Keep measuring and you'll be ok.
   RNY April 11, 2011       
Mary A.
on 4/2/12 12:41 am
It's highly unlikely that you would stretch your pouch at this early on..if you even tried you would encounter terrible pain.

that being said.

at 3 years post-op..I have to be VERY concsious of what I eat because at this point in my journey it's not impossible to eat an entire barbecued sausage and then a small salad.  Whi*****omparison to 8 months post-op where I could only manage a few bites.

so my advice is to people at 18 montsh and under in their journey is make the most of re-training your brain and making those wisef ood the struggle does become a bit more difficut.

My permanent choice has been tha I NEVER eat buns with a hamburger or sausage~!!

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

Marny B.
on 4/2/12 5:19 am - Canada
I agree with the others about stretching your pouch.  It doesn't happen with an episode of over eating.  The danger for you at 2 weeks post-op is with regards to damaging your new pouch by eating more than it can handle at this point.  At 1 year out, my dietician reccomends no more than 1 cup per meal.  According to your post, you had 1 1/2 cup.  I know that it was over 2 hours, but still be careful and measure, measure, measure.  You shouldn't even get to that full feeling at this point.  During surgery, they cut many of the nerves to your stomach, and most people don't even regain the sensation to feel full until aprox. 6 months out.  At this point, with your newly cut and sewn pouch, you shouldn't attempt to approach the "full" feeling.  Measure and eat according to what they suggest. 

Referral Sent:  March 19, 2010
Surgery date with Dr. Denis Hong: December 9, 2010

