Swallowing Pills Post-op

on 4/6/12 12:34 am
I know we are to crush our pills post-op, but for how long I can't remember!?  The pills I take are very tiny...so I'm wondering if I can just take them whole now? 
Orientation: Oct. 5/11     NP: Nov. 16/11     SW: Nov. 16/11
NC: Nov. 23/11     N-1on1: Jan. 6/12     PSYC: Jan. 6/12
Surgeon:  Feb. 24/12     Surgery:  March 20/12

on 4/6/12 12:43 am - Newmarket, Canada
If it's smaller than an m&m, it should be ok to take it.

I take all my vitamins without cutting them, with no problem at all. (keep in mind I am now 20months out)
on 4/6/12 12:57 am - Hamilton, Canada
Like Leanne said, anything larger than a regular M&M must be split for the rest of your life (assuming you've had the RNY).  This is because the small intestine is now the connection out of your pouch, and it's diametre is the same as a dime.  Anything bigger will get stuck, or clog the opening, and lead to misery for you.


Former RNY patient revising to Sleeve then DS.
Appts: Dietitian - January 21/19; July 16/19, August 13/19, September 17/19, October 15/19; Social Worker: August 23/19; DS Orientation: March 20/19; Internist: September 30/19; Surgeon: November 13/19 (signed consent).
Surgery Date: February 28/20.


on 4/6/12 1:06 am
For the first eight weeks I used crushed pills....then I transitioned to cutting them up.  After 3 months I swallowed them whole.  No issues.
on 4/6/12 3:06 am - Athens, Canada
 I was told I could transition off the chewable vitamins and liquid calcium at my 1 month appt. I have no problem swallowing my multivitamin or my calcium citrate pills and my blood work has been fine to date and I'm 15 months out.

  "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." -Robert Collier
Join Kingston Ontario WLS Support Group - Online @ OH 

  HW: 267         SW: 248       GW:155       LW: 132      CW: 143-148      

on 4/6/12 7:11 am - Windsor, Canada
I go by the M&M guideline. No problem 4 mos. post-op swallowing multi-vit tablets. I bought chewables for the first while though.
on 4/6/12 10:45 am - Canada

I'm 5 mos out and still like my chewable vits & calcium. My eltroxin are tiny and the iron are M&M sized, but I treat my other supplements like a candy treat.


on 4/6/12 11:03 am - Ottawa, Canada

I started taking my vitamins in tablet form 2 weeks post op ... the chewables made me gag and the tongue b12 was so disgusting and the calcium chews were just too sweet to tolerate.

I checked with the APN, but she said it was fine.  If your tired of crushing all your pills, just check with your healtcare team, they'll let u know :)



Submission for surgery -  October 2009            Info session - Jan 2010 
Nut & RN & behaviourist appt - Sept 2010          Follow up NUT appt - Jan 2011
eon appt - Jan 2011                                     RNY - March 4th, 2011 
on 4/6/12 2:33 pm - Pickering, Canada
Again, llike so many things, it depends on what centre you went through. I take cymbalta capsules, and I was taking them whole from day 1. All vitamins are fine to take without cutting them, based on Guelph.
I haven't had any issues even with the big pre-natal vitamins...
check with your centre, and then decide what you want to do....