Not feeling Good

on 4/17/12 9:36 am
Ok, I had a really bad weekend...and now I seem to have a tight feeling in my tummy area on and off.  Whenever I try to drink water, it stabs me in the gut.  It gives me awful pains...a soda cracker sometimes settles my tummy but other times not.  Then I tried to drink a Primier Shake this afternoon and 10 minutes later stabbing pain again.  All I want to do is sleep.  Anyone have any thoughts?  I'm going to try a warm drink and see how that goes. Thanks everyone!
Orientation: Oct. 5/11     NP: Nov. 16/11     SW: Nov. 16/11
NC: Nov. 23/11     N-1on1: Jan. 6/12     PSYC: Jan. 6/12
Surgeon:  Feb. 24/12     Surgery:  March 20/12

on 4/17/12 10:26 am - Canada
Get ahold of your surgeon or go to ER.
on 4/17/12 10:31 am - Canada
I should add i'm having compilactions at 2 weeks with a possible abcess and i'm told it can happen as much as 6 weeks post op.
on 4/17/12 10:36 am
You should not be experiencing pain = stabbing in the gut.  I would suggest that your call your centre in the morning and go to the ER if it becomes unbearable overnight.

Please keep us posted.

on 4/17/12 11:03 am
After looking around and researching it came to me that I haven't had a bowel movement since before these pains started.  So I'm going to try some milk of mag and see what happens.  Otherwise I will be calling me centre in the morning.  Thanks guys.
Orientation: Oct. 5/11     NP: Nov. 16/11     SW: Nov. 16/11
NC: Nov. 23/11     N-1on1: Jan. 6/12     PSYC: Jan. 6/12
Surgeon:  Feb. 24/12     Surgery:  March 20/12

Monica M.
on 4/17/12 9:29 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
Please take care of this, call your wls centre and get advice from someone there as to what to do. You need to deal with this.
on 4/17/12 11:59 am - Brooklin, Canada
RNY on 04/25/12
Good luck!!
(deactivated member)
on 4/17/12 11:43 pm
How are you doing now?