OPTIFAST...doesn't suck

on 4/19/12 6:02 am

But I'm kinda starving...no I'm not complaining....I'm really happy
so I stop with the opti 48 hours before my surgery...which will be next wednesday....than...just liquids.....how do you keep the hunger pains down?
again I'm not complaining cause I'm lucky just wanted tips...
thanks new friends

(deactivated member)
on 4/19/12 6:09 am - Kingston, Canada
RNY on 05/25/12
Since I am not there yet I just want to say Congrats!! And I will be looking for tips from you hopefully within the next couple of months (weeks would be grand)
on 4/19/12 6:24 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 05/01/12
I am the opposite of you my friend.... I am not hungry... cause in between I am keeping myself hydrated with teas and water.

The taste is alright, and addiding SF syrups help.. but test things a little bit .. I just ruined my 3rd shake by adding crystal light strawberry banana into it.. I thought it was so gross and yucky another woman loved it.. so just do a taste test on a small portion if your curious..

As to not starving are you on a schedule.. 2 people suggested .. every 4 hours
so I have one  8 am .. noon.. 4pm and 8pm .. inbetween water.. water with crystal light .. and decaf teas...

The future has not been set there is no fate but what we make for ourselves.

on 4/19/12 6:29 am - Brooklin, Canada
RNY on 04/25/12
I was just wondering why you have to stop 48 hours before?  I am on it to but I have my last one the night before!
on 4/19/12 6:48 am - St. Thomas, Canada
RNY on 03/06/12
 One of the surgery centres does two days of no opti, just liquids right before surgery, the rest of the centres continue optifast until the night before.
on 4/19/12 6:47 am - St. Thomas, Canada
RNY on 03/06/12
 I'm one and half months post-op and I actually miss the optifast!  They taste way better than protein shakes and they were so much easier than trying to figure out what the hell I can and can't eat now and trying to balance the protein and carbs at the right ratio.  Enjoy it while you can!

I didn't have the two days of liquid at the end but by the end of optifast I wasn't feeling hunger very much at all.  Hopefully it will be fairly easy for you by that point.
on 4/19/12 6:50 am
once again thanks!
Rachel O.
on 4/19/12 7:24 am - Hamilton, Canada
RNY on 03/02/12
I didn't find Opti that bad either.  As for the 48 hrs of just fluids, it's easier then you might think. I for one found myself not hungry after 4/5 days and had to force myself to drink the Opti.

The last 48 I just kept drinking and sucking on sugar free freezes. Jello also became my best friend...lol  After surgery however I could not stand the feel of jello. So I would not buy to much just in case you don't like it after.

Did you get everything worked out about PATTS???
on 4/19/12 7:39 am
no but Krista said shouldn't be no problem...actually still waiting for them to call me to book my pre op appt
on 4/19/12 7:44 am - Canada
Like Rachel said the last forty eight hours were not that bad. I don't know if it's because surgery is so close. I was sort of in a numb state and was busy preparing the house and myself for post surgery so food sort of took a side line. Good luck and I hope the hunger pangs will subside. You're almost there!
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