First day back to work

on 8/27/12 3:49 pm - Lake Huron
RNY on 07/13/12
Just a short lunchtime story.  It was a very strange day..  I work for a large manufacturing plant..  the cafeteria holds about 300 or 400 people.  I am probably being paranoid, but felt like I was being watched..  now that I think about it, thats crazy.   I began to eat my chicken chili (left overs from last night) and for some reason I got nervous and wanted to eat my food faster than I am suppose to.  I usually would eat 2 or 3 beans at a time and chew them to death.  I guess I felt like I wasnt eating "normally" and decided to speed up the process.   I was really trying to make the spoonfulls very small, but I just wouldnt listen to me and ate too fast and didnt chew like I do when I am at home alone.   After 4 bites I put the spoon down and told the other people sitting with me that it was tasteless and I was finished.  I sat for 15 min in pain before I packed up my bag and headed to the nurses station to pay a visit to the porcelain princess.    
I realize I need to slow it down and chew,  maybe tomorrow I am going to try to take a different lunch time away from my co-workers.  I must have A.D.D..  I cant seem to concentrate or stay focused.. 
Thanks for listening

Referral: Oct 2011   Surgery Date: HRRH July 13th (Friday) 2012        
(deactivated member)
on 8/27/12 4:02 pm - Straford, Canada
 I feel your pain!  Have been there, eaten too fast!  I was installing some cupboards and it was a hot day, I was having trouble staying hydrated and by lunch I realized I had missed snack, so I was famished!  I ate faster than I did pre rny and it only took me about two minutes to visit the loo!  And remember, just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get ya!  LOL  Regards, Ian
on 8/27/12 4:20 pm - Athens, Canada
Agh I feel your pain. Hopefully you will be more successful with your self-control tomorrow. Eating too much or too fast are still the only times that I have issues since surgery.  It's especially hard if you are talking and not paying attention. The old habits rear their ugly heads and just slip back in. Why, oh why, don't we just listen to ourselves.

I wish you a better lunchtime tomorrow!

on 8/27/12 4:34 pm - Canada
I am dreading the day I go back to work and I am still pre-op !  I work in an environment where we can eat at our desks but I am worried that I will get a phone call in my ear (it's automatic) and I will have to swallow and it will be too much lol

I hope tomorrow is better for you and you feel better tonite !
Referral:  August 2011  Information session:  November 2011
Nut/Psych/SW: Spring 2012  Surgeon Meet:  July 6, 2012  Surgery: August 30, 2012
on 8/27/12 4:56 pm - Lake Huron
RNY on 07/13/12
thanks!!  I know we will experience this dreaded first few moments of eating in public, but I think I will prepare my food choices better ...  SOUP!  I will bring soup instead of chewy stuff or just until I can control myself.  :)
Referral: Oct 2011   Surgery Date: HRRH July 13th (Friday) 2012        
on 8/27/12 5:00 pm - Canada
For some reason,I have thought about this (still way pre-op). I decided that I would stick to ;iquid lunch (soup,protein shake) and a couple chewable snacks that I know from experience (at home) will stay put.

I am usually at my desk at lunch and I am inevitably interrupted. I am going to apply KISS for the first few weeks (and maintain a ckear path to the necessary.


Referral St. Joe's, Hamilton - Surgery May 28, 013 


on 8/27/12 6:49 pm - Richmond Hill, Canada
RNY on 06/22/12
I eat too fast with others too. It's a problem.


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt    

on 8/27/12 6:50 pm - Canada
That's a great idea to take/buy soup until  you feel more comfortable eating in public. Or even try some Greek yogurt with some  small pieces of chopped fruit

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