okay, probably a repeat question but...

(deactivated member)
on 9/15/12 7:00 am - Straford, Canada
Thanks for the link Smiley!  I was told by two dieticians at TWH drinking while eating would stretch my pouch, but that video does not address that at all, it simply speeds the food through the pouch.  I see the physics of it, I still don't see the physics of stretching the pouch, but there you go.   
on 9/15/12 11:21 am
Glad it helped! I'm a visual person so videos like this help a lot.  

Actually from the research I've done, there is very little that will stretch your pouch. Your new stomach is made from the least stretchy part of your old stomach and requires alot of effort to stretch, by like continually overeating your pouch size beyond those sensations of fulness. It takes a long time from what I understand... what is more common is stretching your stoma, which is the openning into the intestines from the stomach. If this happens, you loose the sensation of fullness because your stomach is essentially the length of your whole intestines then (I'm not a hundred percent on this but this is what I have read from other OHers and makes sense to me).
Katie  ♥     
(deactivated member)
on 9/15/12 11:58 am - Straford, Canada
 That makes sense, thanks Smiley!  
on 9/15/12 7:32 am
I had the same questions and the video made total sense.. Thanks for sharing!!!
(deactivated member)
on 9/14/12 3:45 pm - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 10/19/12
A really great video, I told my Nut about it yesterday and she said she might use that demo in the orientation.
on 9/14/12 11:35 pm - Richmond Hill, Canada
RNY on 06/22/12
I vomit more if I drink at the same time.

It is a hard habit to break or even recognize, as I was a big water drinker with meals.


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt    

on 9/15/12 10:22 am
 That is an excellent link!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      

