What is the deal with hernias???

on 9/18/12 6:36 pm - Canada
VSG on 10/23/12
 Why are hernias constantly coming up in discussion with wls?  I've read a lot about the sleeve and RNY, but I guess I kinda just breezed over the "hernia" mentions (feeling smuggly that I didnt have a hernia problem so..why bother?) but now I can't read 3 posts in a row without it coming up.

I know...surgery next month...a lil late for this sudden need for info but....What is the deal???

So many people are on and on "my doctor fixed it at the same time..blablabla"  How many people are walking around with unknown hernia issues? Are they brought on by the extra weight? Are we born with it? Should I ask my doc to look for one? lol..."while you're in there...please fix any hernia you see...oh and see if my gallbladder is ok...if not.....yank it please  

On the sleeve forum someone linked an article on sleeves and sure enough..."hernia this and hernia that...." again!!!  

I'm tired of researching medical stuff lol, all my modest brain powers have been spent on wls studies...neglected the hernia studies...now I'm feeling I should know a lil more about them!

Anyhoo...can it be summed up simply? 

on 9/18/12 7:07 pm - Ottawa, Canada
In three words - a hole in your muscle wall. The muscles get cut during surgery - pull the stitch too hard and you've got incisional hernia. Usually it occurs after an open surgery, usually painless, gets fixed by sewing the hole back. Risks - if the hole is small, intestine can get stuck there and become necrotic - rottens inside, can lead to emergency surgery, but it's VERY rare. To fix it, we need an surgery. Since many of us do postop abdominoplasy, we often coordinate these two procedures, saving a few $$$. hence the "..."while you're in there...please fix any hernia ..."

BTW, the gall bladder and appendix are often get removed during wls in States, and there is a good reason for it - stones formation dramatically increases during massive weight loss. And symptoms of appendicitis often get confused with the bowel obstruction. People in states who pay for their medical treatment from the pocket, prefer to fix all the issues in one shot and avoid extra surgeries and expenses (and risks). Makes sense actually. That's why on the sleeve forum, where majority of posters are Americans, you see so many "yank it" stories and remarks.
Nata, a very happy DSer!
Starting BMI - 62, current BMI - NORMAL!!!!!.

204 pounds lost!!!!
on 9/18/12 10:56 pm - Richmond Hill, Canada
RNY on 06/22/12
As nata says,

There is a sheet of abdominal muscle, if it splits or there`s a hole, intestinal contents can pouch out. Common is an umbilical hernia after birth, an inguinal hernia (in groin of men) etc.

Since they go through the abdomenal muscle wall with the laparoscopy, there is a risk of those puncture holes getting bigger and some out-pooching.

I hear more about constipation and intestinal obstruction and infection on this forum than hernias.


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt    

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