where to go?

on 10/24/12 3:34 am - Scarborough, Canada
 Good day everyone...I was just wondering if we are having problems or feeling ill and need to go to emergency do we go to the hospital we had the surgery or TWH...i had RNY at St. Mikes but went through TWH...i am 9 weeks post op and whenever i eat or drink it hurts and or also i vomit.. i reverted back to the liquid stage this week  to see if it would help but it still is very uncomfortable. I am afraid to eat because of the pain and vomiting..any suggestions will definately help
on 10/24/12 3:40 am
RNY on 09/20/12
If you follow all the rules (portion - kind of food - slow etc..) and you still have pain I would go to where you had the surgery. I also would phone my surgeon and ask.  there is a change it appears. If it is urgent - urgent to go emerge - but if you can I would go to where they did do my OR.  Just 2c worth. :) Hope you get better soon!!
on 10/24/12 3:40 am - Canada
RNY on 10/11/12
I would call your clinic right away!


Monica M.
on 10/24/12 3:42 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
go to or call the hospital/clinic where you had surgery. Pain is not normal.
(deactivated member)
on 10/24/12 4:03 am - Straford, Canada
Assuming you're not a plane ride away from St Mike's thats where I would go and now!  They have the residents that belong to the bariatric program and you're likely to see one of them first, perhaps after an ER doc or NP.  Those residents have the numbers for their attendings (bariatric surgeons) and will call them if they're mystified.  Take all you meds with you and a good book.  
on 10/24/12 4:31 am - Brampton, Canada
Hey Mary I would go to the hospital where you had the surgery. Pain and vomiting is not good. Could be a stricture cause you are right at the stage they can develop. I had one and due to being new and kinda stubborn I suffered way to long. Best of luck hope you feel better soon.
Karen M.
on 10/24/12 5:08 am - Mississauga, Canada
Hmmm.... please call your surgeon.  Your symptoms sound similar to a stricture.



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on 10/25/12 11:16 pm - Scarborough, Canada

Thanks everyone for all of your advice..the update is that i am feeling much better....turns out that i had severe gas buildup from not eating because of the phlegm in my chest and throat  from strep throat...took some gas x and antibiotics for my throat and feeling alot better...food is staying down for now...now to stay back on track..

Have a great weekend all!


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