Merry Christmas all!!!

on 12/25/12 8:26 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 12/10/12
I hope everyone has had a very merry Christmas today. It was wonderful spending time with family and not just revolving my visits around food. I will say that puréed turkey was great! Didn't realize what a difference it would e eating food with alittle bit of substance. I'm loving it.
Thank you all for the wonderful support you have given me and I wish you all the best through this holiday season and in the new year.

I've been given a wonderful new shot at life and I don't plan to waste a minute!!




on 12/25/12 8:57 am - Canada

Happy Holidays... good to hear you sounding so good!

I thought of you when my partner's mother came over 5 days post op with a delicious-looking, tightly packed container of home made cookies - my partner doesn't eat wheat, I can't eat anything other than liquids (which she knows because she took care of her other daughter who had this surgery) and to top it all off... none of us celebrate Christmas!!! I smiled and thought of you!

Thank you.... have a great holiday and an amazing amazing amazing year!!



on 12/25/12 9:11 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

Happy Holidays ladies...

Oh and Donna... I thought of Shannon also.

I am on my pre-op diet (the protein modified fast not opti) and am sincerely appreciating the home made chocolates my mother gave me... and the pot of gold chocolates a friend gave me. *grin* Honestly out of the two it was the pot of golds... with the 4 mocha caramel dark chocolates in the box which almost got me.

I could have used it as an excuse to go to town but I didn't... Instead I spent 90 minutes stripping the turkey bare today. Nothing unused/left over, *happy dance* and a few more meals that are super easy for me. Good thing I love turkey and am in the percentage that can eat it and not get sleepy.


Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


on 12/25/12 11:04 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 12/10/12
Ok...I have to give credit where it is due and my mom did a great job today. Her "stockings" were always the ones with all the junk. Well this year she did excellent and my wife and I both got new pj's and some hand soaps and sanitizers. She also bought us a small crock pot, mini Forman grill and tiny containers for lunches. I thanked her a lot for the thoughtful gifts. Amazing what a change 2 weeks did!! I love my mom.

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who had family that was like that. But hopefully mine will be an example how quickly they can change.

Thank you ladies for your comments.




on 12/25/12 11:16 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

Those sound like awesome gifts!

I bought most of that myself so... no one could get it for me. I bought a ton of things like that already... It was my whole "get ready for surgery" stage.

My mom also gave me a 2xl sweat shirt (which is actually too big) and a mens xl track pants (that are made short enough to be capris for me) in light grey. Not my colour. She tried though.

My hubby was the one who rocked it all out this year (as usual actually...). He got me 2 gift cards. One for Additonelle, and one for Rietmans for when I need retail therapy to make me smile, or when my clothing and his clothing fails to fit me and I need to get something ASAP, and he got a playbook keyboard for my daughter to give to me so I can take the playbook and not the laptop in 2 weeks during my hospital stay.

I don't know if they family dynamics will ever "change" for me. There are too many levels of complexity involved. I just smile through it all though and figure it is "OK". They do not define me, and neither do their presents, comments or actions.

As for the chocolate. I actually just smiled and said thank you. I will save it for February. *grin*


Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 

