looking for chronic pain medication help

on 2/15/13 12:14 am - Trenton, ON, Canada

 Hello Im new to this site in more way than one. Im 7wks since my g-bypass surgery and will be returning to work soon. The problem is the pain med i take isfor chronic pain it is tramacet/tramadol long acting so crushing or splitting will give the pain med to fast  but waiting to see pain consultant appointment family gp may have to prescribe meds till app comes. Is there a pain patch that you can take with velafaxine/effexor also on lyrica and muscule relaxers was on n saids to but not allowed to tak this anymore. can anyone help 

on 2/15/13 1:25 am - Peterborough, Canada

Check out mermaidz post-she has been dealing with chronic pain and one of the last posts I remember reading was her saying she found something and felt fantastic.  I am not sure if that is how you spell it but it is close to that.  Good luck!


on 2/15/13 1:37 am - Peterborough, Canada

I found her post on page 14




on 2/15/13 12:12 pm - Brampton, Canada

Butrans.. Comes in 5, 10, 15 and 20 mcg/hr... I started off on the 10 but had to back it down to a 5 ( I was tooo stoned on the 10 but the 5 doesn't have enough "punch" to it) but it comes in a patch. Your family physician can order this.

Also, if you take Prevacid and Sulcrate daily and are monitored (scoped) every 6 months you can take nsaids.  I am taking Mobicox as the anti - inflammatory. Talk to you surgeon about this. If he doesn't know about this , refer him to speak with Dr Glazer at Humber Finch who came up with this game plan. There is no garauntee that you won't develop an ulcer but you might anyhow

I also take Lyrica and Cymbalta (both are analgesica and anti-depressants)

Good luck

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

on 3/13/13 4:38 pm - Trenton, ON, Canada

Thank you for the reply. Im very surprized as Dr Glazer called last weekend and told me not to take tramadol and never mentioned the Butrans . I will see him on the 11, april so maybe then And when was your surgery if you do't mind me asking and do you still take apart your Lyrica and put it in apple sauce or will it desolve now if you take it whole what dose were you prescribed.              Tammy                   Thanks for helping me out!!

on 3/14/13 2:25 am - Brampton, Canada

Hi Tammy

My RnY was 05 Sept 2012. I never stopped taking my Lyrica. I never took the Lyrica seperately from any other meds and I think at around the middle of the second week I started just swallowing the pills whole.

I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Glazer but his area of expertise is not pain management. If he doesn't want you to take the Tramadol, ask him why. I went to the BuTrans because the Tramadol doesn't always work effectively and to take the amount I needed to sustain pain relief was making me "high".

Ask your Dr to refer you to a pain specialist and explain that to Dr Glazer.. He's a bright man and he will get it but you do have to push him so don't be afraid to do that

Part of the issue with pain control medications is that addiction or "dependency" as they so kindly put it, becomes an issue. If you don't beleive me try one day without any of your meds lol.. The benefit of the BuTrans is that it flows into your blood system and sustains a certain amount  equally so your brain isn't getting "hits" of the drug like it would if it were codeine etc. When you take a percocet, your brain gets a "hit" from it. That "hit" is what makes it addictive.   And the same thing happens with the BuTrans .. it's just more gently lol

Good luck.. let me know how it goes


Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

on 3/14/13 3:47 am - Canada

I've taken Tramacet since surgery 3 years ago and never had an issue with it not working. I`ve never crushed it.

Sometimes the best support  you can get isn't all purple puddles and pink rainbows.
