
on 6/22/13 4:59 am - elliot lake, Canada
Hey all, how tough is the opti? My doc said ill be on it for 1 month....


on 6/22/13 5:45 am - Ottawa, ON, Canada

Honestly?   It's as tough as you make it out to be.   If you decide it's going to be awful, guess what?   It will be.

Me?  I liked it.  I had all chocolate, and augmented it with cold decaf coffee, a good quality cocoa, and at least five ice cubes.   Whirled it in the blender, leaving some ice unchopped, and away you go.

Fair warning -- it did not, for me, diminish my appetite in any significant way.  I was hungry and grumpy. 

It was three weeks out of my life;  I, literally, sucked it up.



Referral - March 2011 // Orientation - Ottawa - July 8, 2011 // Surgery - January 23, 2013

on 6/22/13 5:51 am - elliot lake, Canada
I.may borrow tht recipe...i sounds yummy, i have tried the shake, my brother had it to prepare for a different surgery, so i tried some, and abosoloutley i will.have to 'suck it up' lol for the month


on 6/22/13 6:09 am - Canada
I am on day4. The first 2 days I was ravenous. But I am ok now. I have hungry periods but its close to the time that I am due to have my next shake. I am thru Guelph so I not allowed to have anything extra except a cup of broth per day. Some doctors allow other things. I put instant coffee in the vanilla or crystal lite ( mango). I sometimes put almond extract in the chocolate. I don't think I'm grumpy. If I was somebody in this house would let me know. I also started my TOM on the same day so I was also fighting cravings. It's all good.

Corinna H.
on 6/22/13 7:30 am - Guelph, Canada
RNY on 07/03/13
I'm on day 4 and I get hungry around shake time. I like my chocolate blended with ice and some decaffeinated instant coffee and I love vanilla blended with ice and sugar free cinnamon dolce syrup. Yum! I had a grumpy moment today but it's only one moment in my life and I have my eye on the prize. My Centre allows some cucumber, broth and jello. I don't like broth but it's nice for something hot. All the best.

HW: 293.4 SW: 261.4 CW: 161 Referral - Dec 5/12.  Orientation: Feb 21/13. Upper GI and Ab u/s March 7/13. RN, NUT, SW Apr 8/13. 1st appt Dr. Klein Apr 11/13. fu NUT May 2/13. Dr. Glazer May 27/13. 2nd appt Dr. Klein June 3/13. Opti June 19/13. PATTS June 20/13 . RNY - July 3, 2013   



on 6/22/13 8:17 am

I feel for you... a whole month!! Myself, I have to do 2 weeks. Im into my second week, surgery is next Friday. I am hungry just about all the time, cranky, moody tearful etc. I put myself to bed early each night before the hunger gets too bad. Night time is the worst for me, so I would rather sleep. The first week I just made it with cold water, was very unsatisfying. This week I am not so lazy and I put it in the blender with fridge cold water and ice, plus I put in a few drops of peppermint ext. and a teasp of coffee granules. I find it very tasty and satisfying this way. Try to remember it is only a month out of your life. We all have had a lifetime of mistreating ourselves. Just try to look forward to how good you will feel after surgery. You can do this!!!! 

on 6/22/13 9:14 am

I have 4 days left of opti til my surgery on Thursday. I like the opti , i have choc and van..I have a magic bullet and have them with water a crushed ice.. My vanilla is mixed with Crystal light Strawberry banana orange flavor , tastes just likes a strawberry milk shake yum yum...Good luck Krista...

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 6/22/13 9:50 am
RNY on 06/26/13

Today  makes day 18 for me on Opti. I bought all chocolate. I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't taste like garbage. I think it tastes like malt, actually (which I like). I like it plain, and also with a raspberry lemonade Crystal Light tossed in. Delish!

It took me 3 days and then I went into ketosis (as evidenced by the Ketostix I had kicking about the house, available at any pharmacy). Hunger was not an issue, except at times when I should be having another shake anyway. Only in the last couple of days have I REALLY wanted to eat something. I make my kids laugh by smelling their food. :-)

Three more days is what I have left. Surgery is on Wednesday. And really and truly it isn't all that bad.

on 6/22/13 12:27 pm

The first few days are the hardest.  I am just finishing day 2 of my 3 weeks before surgery.  I know that by Monday I will probably not be so hungry.  I have had Opti before and once the hunger goes away it is not too bad.  I have been having headaches this time around - not too sure why, but I hope they go away too.

on 6/22/13 8:03 pm - elliot lake, Canada
Thanks everybody...i will try and get all chocolate, not a fan of.vanilla anything lmao!! I think the fact tht the opti will be the last majot step before.surgery will make.it ok....keep ur eyes on the prize!!!

