Optifast DO's and Don's

on 6/30/13 1:46 am - Canada

Day 7 of optifast and I've had the hardest time taking my 4 shakes. I am drinking lots of water.  Drinking decaf tea & coffee.

I had some broth and sugar free jello. 


What did you drink? Or drinking during this phase? 



on 6/30/13 2:14 am

well i am on optifast now for 12 days and it dose get easer i like veg.. broth and nestea fruit it has like 5 cal.. it is good jello sf and just looking forword to the prise in the end well good luck

on 6/30/13 2:16 am

Most of the time i only got 3 shakes in... But i was aloud some veggies through HRRH, so i made broth with celery and green pepper every night. I lost 20 lbs on my opti.. The first week was hard but then it was ok. Good luck Krista...broken heart

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 6/30/13 2:23 am - Canada

Thank you ladies for your replies. My worries is that how important is it to take all 4 shakes? Or is it just nessesary to not eat anything solid or sugars.

i know the purpose of opti is to reduce the fat around your liver and to "shrink" your organs. 

3 days left until surgery. Lost 14 pounds in 6 days.

on 6/30/13 3:22 am

Awsome job so far hun,When Dr Hagan asked how much i lost on the opti he was very happy . He aid that makes his job so much easier ... It wont be long now for you...kiss..Krista...

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 6/30/13 4:41 am - Canada

Don`t worry too much about the 4th shake as long as you are getting enough fluids. I never managed to drink the 4th. 


Referral St. Joe's, Hamilton - Surgery May 28, 013 


on 6/30/13 10:36 am

You are on Optifast 900.....That means there is 225 calories per shake.  The daily nutrients are spread among the 4 packets.

The only concern is that you are not taking a multivitamin during Optifast because the nutrients are provided.  However, if you are not ingesting the full amount per day, you may end up being a bit deficient just before major surgery.  However, if you were fully stocked up (your blood work) nutrition wise, then a short period of time should not be a problem.


Good luck with your surgery date.



on 7/2/13 1:46 pm - Canada
RNY on 07/09/13

I just finished Day 7 of Optifast. My surgery is next Tuesday with Dr. Hagen.  The first 2 days were rough.  I find I only want the 3 shakes too but I have drank 4 all 7 days.  Going to try the veggie broth tomorrow.  I wish I liked the veggies we are allowed at Humber.    I keep reminding myself how this is shrinking the fat in my liver and making surgery safer.  Good luck with your surgery.  We can do this.  :)

on 7/2/13 8:53 pm - Mississauga, Canada
It will get easier. I like opti after I got the hang of mixing it up, adding sf surup to it, coco. Decalf coffee.

I had a hard time getting the 4th opti in each day. I ended up having about 5 or 6 left. But that was ok, I stuck to everything else that the paper said, did not cheat, and I made it though the surgery find, no problems at all.

So good luck, hope you all the best.

Best thing I ever done. Never add to have insulin after I left the hospital.
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