
on 9/28/13 10:11 am - elliot lake, Canada ur food triggers if u have any...i.had a major trigger today.and won!! I got into a fight with my bf today, when i trip to.sault.ste.marie to.take my.daughter to a figure skating home was a mess and was sleeping....(i think passed out was more like it tho) i was hungry and tired and went.for the left overs after i woke him up and yave him a peice of my mind....i.stopped myself and opti shake! BOO for my mans huge mistake but YAY for me!!! I am going to hurdle this emotional eating if it.kills me!!! Thanks.for the vent


on 9/28/13 11:26 am - Canada

Wow, that's great. i have been on an emotional binge for several days now and can't seem to snap out of it....feeding the hungry soul, then feeling guilty about it, which of course exacerbates the stressor and makes the wheel keep on turning. 

I was just thinking today, how am I ever going to do optifast starting Oct.22 nd when I'm this out of control. I guess recognition is the first step.

Kudos to you for your positive response.


Caroline K.
on 9/28/13 11:29 am
Yay for you! I've managed to have my binge cravings treated, so that's one issue down, but I find that there are one or two stores that are a problem. I don't go there too often, and I've managed to reduce the amount of pastries I buy when there but haven't had the strength to buy nothing. Unfortunately, they're specialty shops, so there's stuff you just can't find anywhere else so they can't be completely avoided.
(deactivated member)
on 9/28/13 10:21 pm - Straford, Canada

Good for you, vent away!  I always tell my oldest daughter you teach people how to treat you (she's often walked all over)!  Its hard on the head sometimes but we just gotta stand up for ourselves!  kiss
