I'm On The Bench.....What a LONG Day!

on 11/8/13 9:12 am

Be thankful you werent at Toronto East General, it was a HORRID experience.  Before surgery you sat in the wait room with 30 other people with a gown and IV in, no privacy.   Then after surgery was taken up to room after barely being awake for 15 minutes and had to get up and into bed myself.  No help, loud nurses in the hall, dirty bathroom, no cleaners for three days, no one offered a wash cloth or anything, sink to brush teeth you had to hold a finger under to get the water running pretty impossible with a iv in one hand and a monitor taped to the other, no water until noon after surgery my sister found ice chips the night of, no help after with bed sheets or getting out of bed...............on and on it was disgusting!  Left on the third day and drove myself home, went back to work 4 days later.

I find it odd that we have to go through so much before the surgery with visits and chats with everyone and then after surgery, nada.  I tried to call the clinic to make the month appointment and called three times without a return call.  You would think the dietician or the nurse practitioner would at least call and check on you a few days after.

All i can say is take your pain meds, don't try to be a hero, i did and was emotionally and physically a wrec****i my mentor gave me hell and i got back on them, two days later i felt so much better and was off them completely.




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