1 step forward and 2 steps back

on 9/22/15 9:20 am - Bradford, Canada
RNY on 02/12/16

I have been trying to not get to annoyed and upset with waiting. I know this is a long process and everyone has to wait bt it feels like everytime I get my hopes up that I'm finally moving forward I hit a setback. My referral was done December 22nd 2014 for HRRH. I had orientation February 27th and was told in orientation that we would receive our Apts wih in 4 - 6 weeks. Well I got my first surgeons apt 6 months later on August 25th. At that apt I found out my trio apt is Sept 25th which I was so happy about cause when I spoke with Dr. Huynh he said if I can get into DR Glazer.and get approved quickly I should have my surgery before Christmas. Well I was disappointed to find out Dr Glazer couldn't get me in until December 1st but I figured maybe I could still have my surgery before the new year and cross my fingers for a cancelation for Glazer.  Well about 2 weeks ago I saw a few posts of patients from HRRH who had their nurse Apts. rescheduled on them. I called HRRH right after I read that to make sure my Apts for Sept 25th were still on. I was told that none of my appointments had been rescheduled and everything was on track. Well turns out that was wrong cause I got a call yesterday morning to say my nurse apt had been rescheduled to December 14th after my apt with Dr Glazer. This is such a frustrating process and I try not to get annoyed because I know we all have to wait and go through this process.  I was really hoping to have my surgery before the new year since my sister would be off work and able to stay with me to care for my almost 2yr old for 2 weeks after surgery. I know people have surgery and recover with their small children at home but I was looking forward to having one less thing to worry about. Ok rant is over just needed to vent and get my frustrations out. I know HRRH is kinda crazy busy especially with the move and I am grateful for everything that is being done for me bt his is one hell of a frustrating process.

  Referral 12/22/14 Orientation 2/27/15 Nutritionist & SW 9/25/15  Dr. Glazer 12/1/15 Nurse 12/14/1545  Opti 1/29/16  Surgery 2/12/16

HW:244.8 Ref:234.6

on 9/22/15 10:17 am - Canada

Hi kaymommy

Thanks so much for your reply. I appreciate that you took the time in your busy schedule to reply back😊.

I really enjoyed the orientation session. I found that there were a few people that kept interrupting to ask questions,even though we were asked to wait until the end. So because of that I found the last 30mins were a little rushed. ( we finished late) I wished we spent more time on labels. Otherwise I really enjoyed it.

At my session they said we'd get notifications for our following appointments in 10-12 weeks, and the appointments would 2-3 months after that.

Dr Glazer stopped by for a few mins.

what was your surgeon appointment like?

i'm a little worried about the trio appointments, just not sure what they're looking for. 

Everyday I've been going over the material to make sure I know it. But I'm still worried.



This G.
on 9/22/15 6:04 pm - Canada

just keep your chin up.  I know how frustrating it can be. Each surgeon works differently.

Call Dr. Glazers office every few days and check for cancellations. it happens.

Surgeon: Dr Hagen. Start Opti Aug 18th. Surgery Sept 1st 2015


on 9/25/15 3:41 am - Canada

Yes, the waiting is the hardest part. I am waiting for my appointment to meet the surgeon. I began this journey with my family physician October 2014. I have had all my appointments, and went through rounds Sept. 17. I have been told I will not be called for an appt with the surgeon for 4-6 weeks. I also have knee replacement surgery coming in 4-6 weeks. After knee surgery I will be immobile for approx. two months afterwords and relying on wheel trans and support people to get around. I practically begged TWH to have my consult with surgeon and the surgery pre-op appt done - before my knee surgery, but to no avail. I don't mind waiting until 2016 for actual surgery, but would like to have all appts done and a surgery date booked while I can still walk. I was told I will "just have to wait my turn", due to the sheer volume of people waiting for consult. I sit anxiously by my phone every day, and still patiently waiting. Good luck!
