Part 1 of my trio apt tomorrow at HRRH

on 9/24/15 7:30 am, edited 9/24/15 7:37 am - Bradford, Canada
RNY on 02/12/16

So tomorrow I have my dietician and social worker Apts.  My nurse apt got rescheduled to Dec 14th (insert eye roll and growl lol). So I have read our pkg we got at orientation several times and feel like I know the actual procedure enough that I could perform it (in my dreams). I have filled out my pkg I got for the nutritionist and wrote down my goals and how I plan to meet them. I also just got the book they recommended at orientation. I think I am all set. Anyone have any advice or ideas on what I need to make sure I know for his apt. I don't want anymore set backs to I want to be completely prepared. 

Thanks, Amanda

  Referral 12/22/14 Orientation 2/27/15 Nutritionist & SW 9/25/15  Dr. Glazer 12/1/15 Nurse 12/14/1545  Opti 1/29/16  Surgery 2/12/16

HW:244.8 Ref:234.6

on 9/24/15 7:38 am - Canada

hello .I had trio sep 15.sw asked me a lot of questions .even stages of diet. complications ,why ,what I did to lost weight,

dietician checked my 3 day note. she want to see regular meal with protein and vegetable and snacks,

I felt like I had I have green line  to go ahead....but still it will take a lot of time .

good luck

on 9/24/15 7:42 am - Canada

Thanks for sharing 

I've only had orientation.

is the meeting with both or individual?

on 9/24/15 5:48 pm - Bradford, Canada
RNY on 02/12/16

In your trio apt you have a one on one apt with the nurse practicioner, the dietician, and the social worker. So you get 3 Apts and they try and make them all in one day.

  Referral 12/22/14 Orientation 2/27/15 Nutritionist & SW 9/25/15  Dr. Glazer 12/1/15 Nurse 12/14/1545  Opti 1/29/16  Surgery 2/12/16

HW:244.8 Ref:234.6

on 9/24/15 11:48 am - Bradford, Canada
RNY on 02/12/16

I think I'm prepared with the risks, food stages, and goals. Hopefully the nutritionist is ok with my log I have been mindfull with my eating to ensure I get all food groups in at each meal and have 2 higher protein snacks a day. I do tend to eat dinner later in the day (7-8pm) because we finish work so late. I have a feeling she won't be too happy about that but I don't go to bed until 11pm the earliest. I'm so nervous I just want this part done and over with.

  Referral 12/22/14 Orientation 2/27/15 Nutritionist & SW 9/25/15  Dr. Glazer 12/1/15 Nurse 12/14/1545  Opti 1/29/16  Surgery 2/12/16

HW:244.8 Ref:234.6

on 9/24/15 7:40 am - Canada

Hi Amanda

All the best tomorrow😀. It sounds like you're ready. Since my orientation (September 18) every few days I'm going over the information because when my trio appt comes I want to be ready, the trio appointment is what I'm most anxious about.

please let us know who it goes.

hopefully you can get a cancellation for the other appointment.

have a great day


on 9/24/15 11:45 am - Bradford, Canada
RNY on 02/12/16

I'm so nervous I really don't want anymore delays. I feel like I use to before  big exam lol. I will update after on what they ask and how it goes. 

  Referral 12/22/14 Orientation 2/27/15 Nutritionist & SW 9/25/15  Dr. Glazer 12/1/15 Nurse 12/14/1545  Opti 1/29/16  Surgery 2/12/16

HW:244.8 Ref:234.6

Tara Sauders
on 9/24/15 8:20 am - Canada

In addition to what you and everyone else have already listed, the one question that caught me a little off guard and was asked by both the Social Worker and the Dietitian was something along the lines of  "Why do you think having surgery will work any better than your past failed weight loss attempts?"

HW=268.6; Opti day 1=268.6; SW=254.6; Referral Aug 2014; Orientation at HRRH Feb 13, 2015; Meet Dr.Klein July 23; Dr.Glazer Aug 6; SW & RD Sept 3rd; RN Oct 23rd; 2nd Dr.Klein Sept 16; PATT call Oct 8th; Start Opti Oct 21; PATT appt Oct 23rd; RNY 12:00pm Nov 4, 2015




on 9/24/15 11:43 am - Bradford, Canada
RNY on 02/12/16

That's actually a really good question.  Thanks for the head up on that one cause that would have thrown me off lol. I have been so focused on making sure I know all the risks, food stages,  my goals and how to obtain them. I never even thought of them asking why I think the will have a different outcome then previous attempts. I gotta come up with a good answer for that one lol.

  Referral 12/22/14 Orientation 2/27/15 Nutritionist & SW 9/25/15  Dr. Glazer 12/1/15 Nurse 12/14/1545  Opti 1/29/16  Surgery 2/12/16

HW:244.8 Ref:234.6

on 9/24/15 2:32 pm - Bobcaygeon, Canada
RNY on 11/23/15

I failed my first dietician visit with Humber and luckily passed the second visit. Make sure your food logs are balanced. meaning: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner all to include a starch, veggie and protein. Meals are to be 5 hours apart and snacks 2-3 hours apart and no more than 150 calories. She wants fats no more than 3g and sugar less than 10g per serving.  

Good luck! Social Worker is easy breezy. She basically just wants to know you have a support system in place and you know the basics of the operation.  
