Calcium Citrate - I made a mistake

on 9/28/15 10:15 am - Toronto, Canada

Switched over from chewable calcium supplements last week. I referred to the handout from TWH to see what and where to buy and because I am up in Algonquin Highlands until Thanksgiving, Loblaws and Walmart were not an option. I made the trip into Haliburton Village (45 min drive) to go to Shoppers - they also have a big Rexall there. Weber's Calcium Citrate w/ vitamin D3 had a bonus 33% more. Woo hoo. Bought it and when I opened it at home I found huge capsules that of course I can't cut. Damn. Does this come in a pill form? Anyone know?

I have tentatively swallowed some of these capsules for a few days - but last night got one caught in my throat. Upchucked it and not too keen to try more. Just running out to the drugstore/grocery store to get a replacement is no small task up here - so now I begrudgingly have to take another 1 1/2 hr round trip to get another product right away. Wasted money, time and gas. No time to order online because I need to take this stuff now. If you are buying this product - just be aware that the capsules may give you grief too.

on 9/28/15 11:53 am - Arnprior, Canada

Hi B-Trix, are you able to open the capsule?  If so, you could empty them in something (yogurt, applesauce etc) and take it that way.  May not taste great, but it would be easier to swallow.  And it would get you through until you could get something on line.


on 9/28/15 12:07 pm - Toronto, Canada

Thanks Cathy. Will give that a whirl. I am scheduled to go back into Haliburton Thurs for something else - don't want to make a trip late today if I can avoid it. I'm such a delicate flower!
