Recent problems with friends

on 10/7/15 2:04 pm, edited 10/7/15 2:05 pm - Rockland, Canada

I treat my friends really well. I work hard to stay in contact and interested in their lives. The past 2-3 months however have not been great. I had a sports team dump me via a dear John you have a great personality and you can spare for us, but you have been replaced email. Then recently a single male friend (strictly platonic), whom I have been encouraging to get back into the dating scene apparently found a new someone (about which I am thrilled :)), but just completely stopped talking to me cold turkey out of the blue, no explanation. I have been an above and beyond good friend and he knew how hurt I was that the team didn't tell me to my face, but via email. Even an email would have been nice. It felt so disrespectful.

I'm tired of people treating me as though I were disposable. I'm not. I deserve better. Pity party over.

From now on I will not put more into a friendship than the other person. EVER.

I will also be more discerning about people's character, motives and intentions.

It's disappointing, but I am resilient.

RNY 2011/07/26 HW 338; SW 301; LW 199; Starting over weight 255; CW 212; GOAL #1 lose regain back to 199 lbs!

on 10/7/15 3:32 pm - Toronto, Canada

What is this world coming to???? Seriously, a "You've been replaced" email on a team. That is just unacceptable. Listen you got nothing to lose with those losers. If you got their email address. Each and everyone on the team needs two letters of the alphabet .... frigin unbelievable.

Sorry about your platonic friend. One of three things must have happened. a...he had more feelings for you than you had for him and now he moved on at your suggestion. b...he feels his new relationship would be uncomfortable with you in the picture or c...he is spineless

Find new friends

Referral - Feb/14, Orientation HRRH - September/14, Surgeon appt. & gastroscopy Dr. Hagen - October/14, Trio appts. - April/15, Dr. Glazer - April/15, Revision RNY - July 10, 2015

on 10/7/15 4:56 pm - Canada

Well is where you realize that these people were never REALLY your friends. We throw the term "friend" as a catch all for people we know --when really most are mere aquaintances. People breeze in and out of our lives, they come and go for many reasons and all personalities carry their share of flaws. All interactions teach us something. You must have learned from this

Surround yourself will people who help you soar instead of bring you down. You are right deserve better. Don't be bitter or change who you are , put the love and good vibes out there...and they will come back to you !!!

Ps - when buddy gets dumped ( which he will) don't be his soft place to land-

My favourite quote from Dr Phil-

" you teach people how to treat you " he's brilliant

  SW- 260    GW- 150    CW -138    Height - 5'5      RNY- St Josephs Hamilton July 17/2015  

on 10/7/15 6:39 pm - Rockland, Canada

I'm just too trusting. I prefer to see the good in people and I get blindsided by the not so nice aspects of their personalities. But hey whatever. I still have several real friends. I'm too kind-hearted and I get hurt too easily.

RNY 2011/07/26 HW 338; SW 301; LW 199; Starting over weight 255; CW 212; GOAL #1 lose regain back to 199 lbs!
