Opti day 8 does it get better?

on 2/5/16 6:43 am, edited 2/5/16 6:44 am - Bradford, Canada
RNY on 02/12/16

So I've been following my pre-op diet to a T. I have all 4 shakes a day spaced 4 hours apart. The taste isn't too bad I can deal with that. It's the exhaustion and hunger. I have days where it's not so bad but on days when my 2 year old is particularly active/pain in the ass I seem to get hungry an hour and a half before my next shake and am exhausted come 6pm. I'm so happy I only have 6 days left after today. The clinic never said I was allowed broth or sugar free jello so I've been reluctant to have anything other then the shakes and water but it's getting hard to have the energy to keep up with my daughter. It took all the will power in the world not to eat a baby dill pickle yesterday lol.

  Referral 12/22/14 Orientation 2/27/15 Nutritionist & SW 9/25/15  Dr. Glazer 12/1/15 Nurse 12/14/1545  Opti 1/29/16  Surgery 2/12/16

HW:244.8 Ref:234.6

on 2/5/16 7:09 am - Arnprior, Canada

When I went through Ottawa, I got a booklet about all the stages etc.  If you got one, take a look in there and see what your clinic says (every one is different)  Or see if your clinic has anything on line for a booklet.  If you don't have one, call the clinic and ask what extras are allowed.  You should be allowed something other than shakes and water.


on 2/5/16 7:21 am - Canada

Ur with Humber we are allowed green vegetables up to two cups per day.. Green peppers, celery I can't remember what else. Also when I had my nurses appointment she told me to get dex 4.. 

Referral received at hrrh Nov6/14, orientation March23/15, surgery April 11/16

on 2/5/16 9:12 am - Bradford, Canada
RNY on 02/12/16

Thank goodness I thought it was only for those who were on opti 3 weeks or more. Thanks for the info.

  Referral 12/22/14 Orientation 2/27/15 Nutritionist & SW 9/25/15  Dr. Glazer 12/1/15 Nurse 12/14/1545  Opti 1/29/16  Surgery 2/12/16

HW:244.8 Ref:234.6

on 2/5/16 7:38 am
RNY on 02/10/16

When I can't do it anymore I have broth and a bowl of diet jello and a cup of tea. It feels like you are having a lunch . 

Use what you are allowed ,it really helps.

on 2/5/16 10:10 am - Toronto, Canada

What nobody tells you is that Opti is definitely not compatible to diabetics. If you suspect you are diabetic (even if you think it is related to weight control) - get yourself a glucose meter and check your sugar. You will be using it after surgery just to keep on top of your health changes. I understand what you are going through...at the time I was on Opti I was taking care of my 2 year old grand daughter (only two days a week) by 6:00 at night too exhausted and too hungry and too dizzy to get through the evening. I also checked my blood pressure and recorded. Yes there is info on the back of your Opti sheet of what you can take if your blood sugar is crashing. And not a baby dill but you will see that you can have cucumber on that sheet. (pretend it is a baby dill and at the cost of produce these days your wallet will think you bought baby dills pickles). Call the surgeon's office for clarification (if you know who that is) before calling the bariatric clinic at Humber. If you want, I will send you a copy of the front and back of the sheet I have in my files. As far as the blood sugar meter and the blood pressure machine....I am still using them 6 months post op. I am not diagnosed with diabetes but right on the border to taking pills. I will be taking my control sheets to the family doctor at the end of this month for a decision.

Hang in there and take care of yourself for you and your daughter's well being.



Referral - Feb/14, Orientation HRRH - September/14, Surgeon appt. & gastroscopy Dr. Hagen - October/14, Trio appts. - April/15, Dr. Glazer - April/15, Revision RNY - July 10, 2015

on 2/5/16 1:20 pm, edited 2/5/16 5:19 am - Bradford, Canada
RNY on 02/12/16

Thanks for the response. I was not given a sheet with any info about my opti I was just told 4 shakes a day 4 hours apart for 2 weeks. I had some info from my handouts from orientation but that's about it. I would definitely appreciate it if you could send me a copy. My email is [email protected] I'm not diabetic at least not that I've ever been told from any of my blood work but I can totally tell when my blood sugar dips. I tend to get nauseous and this weird dream like fuzzy feeling which I've  had a few times. I'm also getting headaches daily which is not fun with my little monster running around. Hopefully have something from the list will help me out. Thanks again for your response.

  Referral 12/22/14 Orientation 2/27/15 Nutritionist & SW 9/25/15  Dr. Glazer 12/1/15 Nurse 12/14/1545  Opti 1/29/16  Surgery 2/12/16

HW:244.8 Ref:234.6

on 2/5/16 8:57 pm - BARRIE, Canada

I had to to 3 weeks of Optifast. I was with Humber and was allowed 2 cups of veggies a day. I used to just eat either a red or green pepper sliced up for dinner.  It helped a lot.

Humber River Orientation: Oct 2014 - Meet Surgeon Dr. Starr: Mar 23, 2015 - Trio Appt: June 1 - 2nd Meeting with Dietician: July 7 - Dr Glazer: Aug 24 - Surgery: Nov 23, 2015 ? HW: 305, Start of Opti: 295, Surgery Weight: 268, Current Weight: 180

