Scheduled for surgery on April 19, VSG, but feeling pressured into having RNY

on 4/6/21 6:31 am

Hi All,

Wondering if anyone here is with the program at Toronto Western? I'm scheduled for surgery on April 19 after many reschedules because of Covid, but a routine endoscopy found mild esophagitis and a small hernia and now I'm being pressured into a RNY. Wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience?

Started PPI and the opti-fast diet on Monday and the combination makes me very nauseous. Not getting any info from the program and Doctors change so often don't even know who to speak with.

Diminishing Dawn
on 4/8/21 3:48 pm - Windsor, Canada

An inflamed esophagus is usually a sign of reflux. Reflux and a sleeve is usually a terrible pairing resulting typically in further makes sense.

Why do you have reservations about the RNY?

17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 4/8/21 4:10 pm

The esophagitis is very minor and the result of severe gastritis that resolved just before the scope. The RNY is too invasive for me, I have to lose 65 pounds for orthopaedic reasons so the sleeve is very good fit. I'm so frustrated with the Bariatric program in Ontario, Doctors are good but the administration of the program is a bit of a nightmare, at least in Toronto.

Diminishing Dawn
on 4/8/21 5:24 pm - Windsor, Canada

Are you TWH!? Some programs follow the OHIP rules as is. OHIP states only a few situations that sleeve is permitted. So if they are following the actual Ohip rules, you may or may not qualify.

Did you ask them why Rny?

17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

Diminishing Dawn
on 4/9/21 3:25 am - Windsor, Canada

Some centres follow the ohip criteria more closely than others. They are actually reasons for the sleeve according to Ohip. Some centres give you a choice and some do not. They really are supposed to follow Ohip criteria

17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 4/28/21 1:40 pm
RNY on 08/08/20

I'm late to the party... I see you posted your question on the 6th and your surgery is on the 19th I am curious to know what pathway you decided to go with. I'm going to share my opinion and experience with you anyways, please keep in mind I am not a medical professional and this is just an opinion. I'll start with some background information; my name is Charlie and I had RNY surgery with UHN (Toronto Western) August 8th 2020; male 6'1 and pre surgery I was approx. 417lbs (BMI of approx. 50) but you can do the math. Based on my personal experience with the program I was very happy with which my care as a patient was handled. Pre COVID my family DR. noticed my weight (which isn't hard at 4 bills) and informed me about the weight loss programs Ontario has to offer. The first Program being with the Wharton Weight Loss medical clinic (Where you count calories, see councillors, and do weekly weight in) the second offer was weight loss surgery (but with a waitlist of at least 2 years) Now, I lucked out! Because while I was still on the fence about weight loss surgery... I was enrolled in the Wharton program and placed on the waiting list for WLS (Now if my number was called and I had lost my excess weight with the weight loss clinic or if I decided that I changed my mind) I could opt out. Upon agreeing to do WLS with UHN, they set me up with a team! Prior to surgery I had to meet and speak with a psychologist, nutritionist, dietitian, and finally the Surgeon. Pre COVID I had to attend information classes, meet with my assigned team prior and after surgery for reporting and follow up. I believe twice a month they even had support groups setup. Now, to answer your question during my information session they advised that everyone is different... they presented the pros/cons to the different surgeries RNY vs. Sleeve and then closed with... based on your personal medical history they would make the best decision on your behalf (I'm speaking about the types of surgeries one could have) not once was anything mentioned about strict OHIP legistation regarding the procedures. I trusted with the information I provided as medical professionals they were making the best decision on my behalf. Due to COVID my surgery was also pushed back from its original date, and at the time I had no idea that my surgery would be taking place on the 8/8/2020. Eight months deep and I feel Human, I don't think the RNY is bad all I personally would have chosen this pathway if I were given the option. 8 month deep and down approx. 80lbs I have a youtube channel where I go more in depth about my experience. I hope in my ramble I was able to help, all the best in your journey. I am always around if you need someone who understands to chat with.

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