Orientation session scheduled at Providence

on 5/11/21 7:49 am

Hey everyone! My first time posting here. I had my referral and now have my orientation session scheduled at Providence next week (online, of course). Does anyone have any experience with this centre?

Leslie W.
on 5/17/21 9:11 pm - Cobourg, Canada

Went through TWH in 2011. I think all sites are similar. they want to make sure you are making positive changes. Cutting out the junk food, soda, alcohol. You want to work towards 3 healthy meals and snacks. Decrease carbs and fat.

Easiest is to to strat tracking what you eat.

As well what diet plans you have tried etc...

Good luck in your journey

Referral: August 2010 Orientation TWH: May 25, 2011  NP: June 8/11, f/u sleep clinic June 7, abd u/s June 14, SW: June 28/11  Nutrition Class: July 5/11, Dietician Aug 09, Psychologist Aug 25 Surgeon Sept 16th Surgery Date: Oct 11/11 HW:287, Opti wt: 260 SW: 242
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