A glitch in my pre op
I was just diagnosed after having the standard routine pre op sonogram show a pelvic mass; then following up with a Cat Scan and MRI that I have a 10 cm, what they believe is a cyst, on my ovary. I went to a GYN Oncology Surgeon who will remove my ovary the same day I have my Bypass surgery. They will send it down to pathology for an immediate evaluation and as long as it is not cancerous, they will go forward with the Bypass. I am soooooo nervous. I am waiting for a date. Please keep me in your prayers that the cyst will not be abnormal; and I will be able to have the bypass as scheduled. If it is cancer, the bypass will not be able to be done; and he will have to open me up to do a Total Abdominal Hysterectomy.
Thank You
Barbara -
I'm hoping all turns out well for you. Cysts are pretty normal so I wouldn't worry too much about it. I had a torsed ovarian cyst when I was 13 weeks pregnant and had to have surgery. It was the size of a football and gangrenous (sp?) but it wasn't cancerous (just gross!). It's good that they can coordinate the surgeries and do it all at one time. Good luck.