on 4/20/11 4:35 am - Lewisburg, OH
I'm 11 months post op, smooth sailing for many, many months now. However, periodically I get abdominal pain, almost muscular? It's not nausea or cramps. It's not severe, but it hurts worse when I stand up straight, almost like something is pulling.  An RNY friend of mine said she has this too and was told it can be scar tissue. Anyone else have this problem?
on 4/20/11 5:20 am
It could very well be scar tissue or adhesions.  It would require your sugeon to make a real diagnosis.
Dixie A.
on 4/21/11 4:22 am - Osler, Canada
 I had the RNY over 10 years ago and have been battling with abdominal pain from mild to more recently severe!! Ended up in the hostipal ER 2ce int eh last year for this. Had the whole works of tests and no one can even begin to guess what is happening to me. I have seen all teh specialists and they all blame my surgery since they really do not know much about it and leave it at that. I am going to get my last endoscopy results and send it all to Dr. Nohr (who did my surgury, even though he lives quite a ways away from me now) and see if he can give me any answers. My life is now considerably disrupted by this!! 
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