how do you take your fiber?

Carrie W.
on 6/21/11 12:51 am - KY
As most of you, I have an issue with constipation.  Benefiber makes me nauseous.  Miralax makes me nauseous.  Milk of Mag doesn't make me sick but it results in an OMG I gotta go NOW feeling. 

So to deal, I've been drinking senna tea and eating some Fiber One cereal (per Nik's recommendation).  So far so good!!

The problem is the cereal is putting me over my daily allowable carbs and I'm not sure when to eat it.  I've been eating it (dry) after the tea in the evenings right before bed.  I'm not supposed to have snacks of any kind so I really need to make it into a meal.  But a "meal" has to have protein! 

So those of you who eat cereal, how do you eat it?  I really can't add milk to it since that REALLY would put me over on carbs. 

I have my 3 month follow up visit to my surgeon/clinic next week.  I will discuss all this with the NUT.  I know she's going to tell me that the cereal is NOT a good choice though.  I hope they do labs this time!  I'm seriously low on energy.  I don't know if it's the 400-600cal or something else.  Whatever it is it makes that 60 min. on the treadmill a day a real battle. 
  HW 347/SW 328/CW 176/GW 160                   
Holly O.
on 6/21/11 12:59 am - FL
I am 6 days out from having my surgery and I have had a BM every morning since I came home.  I put benefiber in my shakes and it works like a problem!!!  Can't taste it or anything!!
H.A.L.A B.
on 6/21/11 1:02 am
1. CANT USE SENNA long term. Not good.
2. magnesium oxide or and mag citrate in capsule forms. I use 800-1200 per day. In addition to what is in my multi.  We need magnesium to be able to absorb the calcium.  And for the rest of muscles. and heart. etc.
3. Probiotics - the good bacteria. Yogurt is fine - but doe snot have enough. Start taking the pills.
4. fiber - I use flax meal. Gives fiber+ good fats + some carbs (not much)
I add the flax to my meatloaf, to my yogurt and some soups. No more than 2-3 Tbs per day.  

easy to do fake muffin:
1 egg
1/4 cup flax meal (ground flax)
1/4 tsp backing powder
sweetener to taste
pinch of salt

mix them all in a 1 cup measuring cap or any other microwave safe cup. Microwave for 2-3 min. 
Invert on a plate. Let it cook and get dry. cut in slices. eat as is, or top with some toppings... like PB, SF preserves, whip cream, etc. Enjoy. 

BTW: do not count fiber as carbs.  

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

Carrie W.
on 6/21/11 1:11 am - KY

Where do you get the flax?  I've fed it to my horse off and on but I got it in a 50lb bag from the feed mill.  Do you grind it or just eat it as is? 

I'm going to the big town (LOL) this afternoon so if I can get a list together ....

Thanks again!!
  HW 347/SW 328/CW 176/GW 160                   
H.A.L.A B.
on 6/21/11 1:24 am
Flax - you grind it.  When i add to my cooking (i.e. meatloaf, or protein muffins) I use 1/2 grinded and 1/2 just flax. The whole flax can't be digested... so to get benefits in wraw form - grind them.
They are best if grind just before you use it. They can go rnacid very fast - so keep them in  a fridge or freezer. 

In Atkins group forum I posted meatloaf recipe that I make - it gets very moist and low fat - and for every 2 -3 lbs of meat I use 1/2 cup of flax: 1/4 cup of the flax meal 1/4 cup of the raw flax.  And use medium salsa (I like mine spicy), 16 oz jar for every 2 lbs of lean beef mixed with turkey meat.  I top my meatloaf with salsa instead of tomatoe paste or ketchup. More nutrition and less sugar. IMO.
If you use too much flax - you can taste it.   I do not want that.

Also - chia seeds are great as fiber. I use that for my baking... (google that).  Great fiber and omega -3 oils.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

Carrie W.
on 6/21/11 7:57 am - KY
I got magnesium citrate, flax seed meal and probiotics.  When do you take the mag and probiotics?  I'm off to make a muffin before class!!
  HW 347/SW 328/CW 176/GW 160                   
H.A.L.A B.
on 6/21/11 8:08 am
I take probiotics with my morning pills.  (those I always take - and make the serving of my pills for the week). But they can be taken anytime. Best - before food - you want them to reach down the large colon.
Magnesium - Take some during the day... but leave at lest 400 in capsule form to be taken before bed.  Magnesium have a very relaxing property ... so I take it - it relax my muscles - I sleep like a baby over night ..and have a great BM in the morning.

Not sure how much mag is in the pills - caps you got. Start slowly. Increase the dosage by 200 mg (if you can) and keep it there for 2-3 days. if the BM not correct - then increase or decrease. 
If I were constipated - I would take 600- 800 before bed.  Then .. if you develop "runs" (loose BM) don't take a dose for at least a day or 2 then try with 1/2 dosage. 
i.e. take 800... but take for a few days... if after 4 days not good soft (PB consistency) BM, then increase... otherwise... hold that level. 
I do take as I remember. But always take 400mg before bed. This is the best "sleeping aid" for me.  I sleep so soundly - that a few times my BF was wondering if I am alive... (no movement totally relaxed). 
But - drinking enough water is important. Magnesium will draw the water from your body to your colon.  So - you need to drink to be able to do that.  Keep a glass of water by the bed.  

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 6/21/11 1:04 am
Do you take magnesium with your calcium supplement? It not only helps with the absorption of the calcium but it helps keep you regular too. Ever since I added magnesium to my vitamin/supplement regime, I have not had a problem with constipation.

HTH and good luck.

Marilyn (now in NM)
RNY 10/2/01
(updated March 2012)

on 6/21/11 1:05 am - PA

I was having problems and the doctors office told me on different occasions of me calling them to add, benefiber, miralax, and fiber wafers, I was still having a hard time, thenone of the nurses told me to back off the fiber as it can become hard and try colace.  I bought the Walmart brand and started taking it twice a day with much success.  I also have eaten salads (small) which has given me some natural fiber.
psx chelly
on 6/21/11 1:47 am

Benefiber makes you nauseous? Its tasteless, odorless, and non-thickening.... wierd.

My PCP suggested making sure to get at least 30g of fiber a day to not get constipated... so that's what I do.

Here's how:

Anyhow, in the morning with my Syntrax Nectar, I put a serving of Benefiber in it. A serving is 2 teaspoons. Doesn't change a thing about the drink, and I cant taste it. 3g fiber

Snack: Doctors suggestion, 1/2 cup of Fiber One. I don't use milk. I just drink hot tea with it. Yes I know I am not supposed to drink with eating.... but the hot tea makes the soluble fiber move to my intestines faster which is the purpose.. and where the fiber does its work. 15g fiber

2nd protein drink: again Syntrax Nectar, with Benefiber added. 3g protein

Snack at night, 1/2 cup of Fiber One w/ hot tea. 15g fiber

Seems like a lot to eat / drink, but I only eat about 700-800 calories a day... and fiber one is only 60 cals without milk.

The key though is to get 30+ grams of fiber a day and boy let me tell you.. you will go.
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