Pain after RNY?

on 7/22/11 5:28 am - Panama City, FL
How about the pain after surgery. Talked to 2 people and they really suffered.
on 7/22/11 5:30 am, edited 7/22/11 5:38 am - NC
The first two days were the worst for me as far as pain, and that was because of the gas. After that I haven't really had any pain, maybe some weirdo pouch twinges once in a while but nothing that re-occurs or has caused me any concern. Edit: mine was laproscopic.

on 7/22/11 5:35 am - Gaithersburg, MD
 I had open and the pain was really bad for the first two days. But I was given pain medication. I took tylenol with codiene for about 2 weeks after the surgery and that helped a lot. It was pretty tender for two weeks.
Height - 5'8  - SW - 292/ CW - 177.6 /GW - 150 - BMI - 27.1 - 114.4 lbs lost!
"The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore" Vincent Van Gogh
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on 7/22/11 5:35 am - North Providence, RI
felt like i did too many sit ups.  was the least painful surgery I ever had.  rotator cuff was 10X worse.  Up and walking around 3 hours after surgery.  haven't stopped since.  back to work in 13 days...



on 7/22/11 5:44 am - Madison, AL
You know, pain is such a individual, subjective thing. Just be cause your two friends "really suffered" doesn't mean you will. However, you could just as easily have more severe pain than your friends did.

There will be pain. You've got to accept that going in. You've been pierced, inflated, cut, rearranged, stapled, deflated, and glued. How could that not hurt? The important thing to remember is that it is temporary and it gets better every day as you recover. And your medical team has drugs that can keep you pretty comfortable most of the time.

For what it's worth, my pain was pretty minimal. It was certainly much less severe than the pain I had after my laparascopic hysterectomy.  I did have a pain pump in the hospital, but I was only in a room for about 15 hours before I was discharged, so I didn't have a chance to use it much. I went home with liquid lortab and used it mostly at night for about 3 days. After that, no drugs. I was sore and certain movements hurt for 2-3 more weeks, but it wasn't anything I felt I needed medication to tolerate.
on 7/22/11 5:49 am
I was the 4th in my family to have wls.... the other 3 had open procedures and had considerable pain.  I had lap and it really wasn't that bad.  I had surgery on Wed. and was back at work on Mon.
High Weight 278; consult weight 234; Surgery Weight 219 Surgeon's Goal Weight 150 -10/27/10  -  Personal goal weight 140 - Achieved 12/11/10  
Denisha V.
on 7/22/11 6:38 am - WA
That is awesome, do you have a job where you move a lot, or is it at a desk?
-Denisha Vail

Surgery Date 9/22/11    
on 7/22/11 7:03 am
Desk job.  Tired but no pain.
High Weight 278; consult weight 234; Surgery Weight 219 Surgeon's Goal Weight 150 -10/27/10  -  Personal goal weight 140 - Achieved 12/11/10  
on 7/22/11 6:17 am - CA
I freaked out so bad before surgery that I almost didn't do it...So stupid! I was in pain for the 1st couple of days but it just felt like a couple punches to the gut! Nothing horrible at all!!! Now I'm 10 days out and I feel like nothing happened at all! & Have much more energy!
on 7/22/11 7:12 am - CA
Laproscopic surgery for me. The pain may have been bad the first day, but I was pretty out of it, so who knows? They did have me walking every few hours beginning about 2 hours after surgery, and that went ok. Since I have been home (day after surgery), I have used about a total of 6 doses of Tylenol with codeine - nothing at all in the last four days. Surgery was 7-11

start/pre-op/current/goal weights:  286/240/138/130

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