Need help - kinda passed out today... anyone else BTDT?

on 8/14/11 2:37 pm - MN
I *sort of* passed out today. I stood up and started walking across the room and all of a sudden I got dizzy and my vision closed in and went black and I went down. I just happened to be walking past the diningroom table and collapsed into a chair. Thank God the chair was there or I'd have hit the floor in front of my 2 yr old :(  I don't know if its considered passing out if I didn't lose consciousness for more than a few seconds, if that...

 I've had issues with dizziness for awhile now. Since surgery its a bit worse, its more than just dizziness, my vision blackens slightly, but its never been this bad. I mentioned it to my doc and he checked my orthostatic blood pressure (sitting, standing and lying down) and it was okay. My labs at my appt (it was Aug 4th) were all good - my potassium was a little low, but not bad. Once I mentioned to the doc that I have a history of vertigo, he pretty much stopped looking for a reason for me getting these dizzy spells. He said its probably an inner ear thing and left it at that.

I'm thinking I should call him and let him know what happened. I just don't know what he's going to do... I'm doing my best to stay hydrated, I'm eating my usual - around 1/4 to 1/2 C at meals and a protein bar during the day.

Has anyone ever had issues like this? Anything they found out? I will definitely call my doctor, but I just want to know if there is anything I should ask him about and you all are a wealth of information! If anyone has been there, done that, I'd love advice or things to watch for.
Highest  272 Consult 265 Goal 165 Current 158    

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(deactivated member)
on 8/14/11 2:54 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
This is not uncommon, although, thankfully pretty rare among the WLS population!!  It's rather
like Orthostatic hypotension, but it seems to be mostly when we stand up from a sitting or laying position.

It's as if our blood system doesn't have enough fluid in it to fill up all the empty capillaries! 

I've found the best way to deal with it is to take a couple of deep breaths before you stand up,
tighten up your abdomen and the muscles of your belly, then slowly rise.  My son used to
have these frightening episodes when he was  a teenager, and that is what helped him.

You might also want to make sure you're getting all your liquids.  This might also be a sign
of dehydration.

Best wishes,
on 8/14/11 2:55 pm - OH
I've been experiencing that a LOT lately.  I hate it.  I've never actually passed out but I also get up really slowly and stand wherever I am, holding onto the chair or something for a minute or two until the dizziness lessens and I can see again.  I think it's low blood pressure but I don't know what to do about it.  So I can't offer you any suggestions, but I do empathize.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 8/14/11 3:16 pm
Earlier out I would get dizzy spells.  Didn't actually pass out but sure felt close.  I got a glucose monitor to make sure it wasn't low blood sugar but it was good.  I am sure it is because I have very low blood pressure.  At my last visit on the 11th it was 88 over 60.  I was told there is nothing you can do about it except perhaps eat more salt.  I'm not a big salt eater so maybe that is my problem.  Ironically, when I had my revision I had the opposite problem, high blood pressure.
I don't get them much anymore so maybe I am getting used to having low blood pressure.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

Mary Catherine
on 8/14/11 5:16 pm
 I had that for a few months.  Think it is because the blood pressure goes down so much.  I learned to pump my legs a few times before standing.  That seemed to get the blood moving and I had no more incidents after doing that.  
Lisa E.
on 8/14/11 5:31 pm - Fontana, CA
 This happens to me and its because my BP is low. Might try checking your PB next time it happens.
Hope you figure it out soon I know its no fun to get dizzy and fuzzy

Good Luck, Lisa     

on 8/14/11 6:43 pm
My top number has been a tad low lately and tends to be when I stand up too quickly from sitting for a while.  I havent passed out but came VERY close the other day - stood up too fast and turned at the same time ...went knees first to the floor..thankfully my fiance was there and helped me sit down on the floor instead of falling. He went to my seminars and every pre op and post op appointment - BEST thing we have ever decided is that he would be involved in my journey every step of the way! 

Back on topic lol - - my BP is NORMALLY 120/80 ...on the dot..every time...but lately it has dropped to 108/85 and even 80/60 first thing in the morning.  I too, dont eat a lot of salt but I have found that if I eat some chips or crackers it evens out. *mind you I only eat a 5 no gasping at my carb intake =P  *


RNY - August 13, 2010

LBL - October 29, 2012

 a total of 271 lbs lost!!

on 8/14/11 7:21 pm
Do you take blood pressure medication?  I had the same issue; my medications needed to be adjusted.  I was surprised.  It was lowered one month post-op, and I had not lost that much weight.

on 8/15/11 2:28 am - MN
Thanks everyone for the tips! The doc checked my blood pressure and it didn't change when I stood up from lying or sitting down. But I didn't have the marked dizziness at the time either. I'm sure its my BP. I've always had lower blood pressure - never needed to be on medication for it. I will try what you all have suggested before standing up. I'm sure it will help.

Its hard when I'm running after a 2 yr old all day, but its better to take a few seconds to get ready to stand up then to risk passing out! Thanks all!
Highest  272 Consult 265 Goal 165 Current 158    

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on 8/15/11 2:35 am
That has happened to me when I was dehydrated.  How much water are you drinking?


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