Found a muscle.. and myself. .(long and mostly boring). =]

Samantha L.
on 8/26/11 1:02 am - Petaluma, CA
 I want to be honest for a moment.  I got really depressed for about 8 months (due to not being able to find work and the resulting money issues) and I should have gotten an award for Worst Gastric Bypass Patient EVER!  I maybe even should win for worst WLS Patient Ever.  I actually probably still deserve this award.  I'd go into details so I can get the well deserved shredding/spanking I deserve, but, I am finally getting back on track and I have beat myself up enough for everyone.  (You may still scold if you'd like... ) 
  Ok.  That part of my life is over now.  I am getting back on track with a vengeance.  (spell check corrected my spelling of that word.. but, somehow it still looks wrong to me.)  So, I have been adding new and horribly painful...errr.. exciting exercises to my workout.  I decided a couple of days ago that I needed to start doing pull ups.  I can't actually DO a pull up.. so, The Cowboy was nice enough to stand there and lift me up so that I could use the sad excuses for arm muscles that I have to slowly lower myself back down again.  Can you say NOODLE ARMS!!?!  Today, I'm not sure that I could lift a cup of coffee.  Between those pull ups (should I really call them Let Downs?) and the crunches and the burpees... today I am a sore girl.  Will I let that stop me??  Heck no.  I won't be doing any Let Downs today, but I will be doing my ***** Cat Dolls workout and throwing some crunches in for good measure.  
  I need to double check my vitamin schedule.  I take a Centrum Performance Multi in the morning along with D3 and 2 calcium.  Then more calcium with D3 at lunch with some sublingual B12 (it's a B complex.. but, mostly B12).  Dinner is my second multi and the last of my calcium/D.  30 minutes before bed I take 1000 mg of C and then RIGHT before bed I take I take three 27mg tablets of Ferrous Gluconate.  Am I forgetting anything?  I know you guys aren't doctors, but suggestions are appreciated. 


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