
on 8/29/11 2:09 pm
So...I passed out again. This is the 2nd time since having surgery in February. It happened on Saturday night after me and my hubby went out on a date night at a comedy club. We got home at about 12:45 am, I grabbed something to eat, and then headed to bed.

At about 2:00 am, I woke up with a terrible stomach ache, realizing I needed to go to the bathroom, I headed down the hallway. I made it to the bathroom, and as soon as I turned the light on, my ears started to ring and THUD...I hit the tiled floor (oh, did I mention I was buck naked?) LOL When I came to, I dry heaved feeling like I was going to vomit and then moved myself to the toilet. I went to the bathroom and had a painful BM (I was extremely constipated) and then was completely fine. Well, almost completely fine...I hit my head on the tub, cut my eyebrow line with my glasses and have an extremely sore shoulder...

I didn't go to the doctor, because the last time they told me it was "Vasal Vagel Syncope" and that pretty much means a fainting spell.

I hate that this happens to me, and I wish I knew how to prevent it. The first time I was at JC Penney Salon getting my haircut, and I had my 2&3 year old with me. It makes me nervous to go to work or go out by myself or with just the girls - I am scared it is going to happen again and so is my husband.

Highest Weight - 263.2  Surgery Weight - 247.40  Current Weight - 148.5   
*Total loss includes 15.8lbs lost on surgeon required pre-op diet.   
Dave Chambers
on 8/29/11 2:27 pm - Mira Loma, CA
You likely need some tests done by your doctor. I had dizzy spells and passed out a few times starting around 7-8 months post op. I get a "funny feeling" in my gut, feel a hot rush go up through my body, my ears would feel hot, and then boom, hold on to something or hit the floor. I began several tests through my PCP. I finally got a referral to a cardio do. My 3rd Holter Monitor Test (2 by my PCP) and I had a diagnosis. I needed a pacemaker to regulate my low bp.  Another woman in one of my support groups has a similar issue, but much worse. She did get a pacemaker, but it failed to resolve her issue. She's been to specialists for over 2 years, and her current "potential diagnosis" is a damaged Vagel Nerve.  She passes out anywhere. She can't drive. She only goes on walks with her husband, and often just has to sit down anywhere she feels like she's passing out.  She has to have her husband home before she feels safe to take a shower. She can't go shopping without her husband either.  I'd highly recommend getting a better diagnosis, and find out it there is a "cure" for your current fainting spells.  Good luck. DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

on 8/29/11 2:31 pm
Thank you so much Dave. I will absolutely mention it to my PCP when I see her next week. Do you have any recomendations for what type of tests I should request? I hate this feeling, and I would like more answers.

That is very scary about the woman in your support group - it scares me that it could get that bad...

I really appreciate your post! :) 
Highest Weight - 263.2  Surgery Weight - 247.40  Current Weight - 148.5   
*Total loss includes 15.8lbs lost on surgeon required pre-op diet.   
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