Surgery Monday!!!

on 11/30/11 11:55 pm - NC
I had my surgery on Tues 12/29 and was surprised at how well I did.  My surgery was at 3pm.  Yeah I woke up feeling like crap for the first few minutes, but it subsided once I got good drugs.  I am sensitive to narcotics which made this process more challenging.  I itched sooooo bad. They gave me a PCA of Dilaudid and supplemented with benadryl.  I started out hitting the button as soon as I was able to, but found that I could not stay ahead of the itching that way.  I think I talked my nurses to death since the narcotics also make me chatty.

Everyone will tell you to get up and walk and they are completely right. The nurse got me up and walking at 11pm.  The next day after I passed the swallow test, everyone kinda left me alone once I got the IV out and started with fluids.  I could get up and move around and walk the halls.  I knew that if I didn't move, the gas pain would be bad.

I am home now on 12/1, a day early.  My abdomen is rumbling like mad!  I am getting up and walking around the house, to the refrigerator for more Crystal Light.  Just took some Gas-X but it was my understanding that it is not stomach gas, so it won't work.  I figured I would try anyway.  Have not passed gas yet, but have had small bowel movements.  I thought that was odd.

Good luck with your surgery.  
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