Carnie Wilson and stereotypes about obese people

on 1/2/12 9:44 pm - Mount Clemens, MI
 I watched it but didn't make any connection to the weight scenario that you are speaking of....fat or thin. I think they were just going for the difference that two mom's run their house hold. I found no stereotype there....when I was obese I held my house to the same order that i do now...maybe you have a problem with the issue yourself. What's funny is that I 'd rather see the truth about women...whether they burp or have gas!!! Carnie kept her life real and didn't pretend to be something or someone that she isn't and how much was for the cameras too? We don't know.
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 1/3/12 8:46 am - OH
I guess I should clarify that I was not trying to say that the producers of the show were perpetuating the stereotype...  but that I thought that Carnie herself was perpetuating the stereotype. The image of herself that Carnie presented in her public appearances after losing the weight was VERY different than the Carnie presented last night. 


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 1/3/12 4:46 am
Ok if you havent seen it maybe that link will work..It's the full episode. After watching it I have to say I didnt see the obvious she's fat she's thin link. To me Carney was like rosanne either like her or you dont...thin or not. Her personality isnt my thing..but it has nothing to do with her weight. I am glad I got to watch it and see what everyones post was. I do wonder why she has a housekeeper and wth that housekeeper does all day. If the dad is always in his studio and carney is gone...why is house not cleaner. IMO they need to fire the housekeeper cus she's not doing squat. Or maybe thatis just camera and for show. I think it was a really good episode. Not really that Tracey was a neat freak either. Her husband was there to keep things tidy and that helped alot. Anway I know I am rambling and this prob wont get read cus it's on pg 4 now but just my take on the show.
on 1/3/12 8:27 am - Mount Clemens, MI
 Just to add another bit...I watched the show again and i have to say Tracey isn't what you would call "thin"...maybe thinner than Carnie, she looks healthy and God Bless her since she did have anorexia. My husband stated too that i have not changed since my weight loss and said actually I nap more now than i did when i was obese...LOL. WLS isn't a guarantee one will remain thin, it's all in the persons habits....I just don't know why this makes you sad? The reality is we all can succumb to our old bad habits and regain the weight. I can't gain a pound and there a are people like me that look anorexic since having WLS.
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 1/3/12 8:40 am - OH
It made me sad because I KNEW how many people were going to view the show.  As I anticipated, the people at work who were talking about it today were talking about how ridiculous it was that Carnie had all that help and still was too lazy to keep a decent house.  Only one person actually verbalized it as fat and lazy, but the others agreed.

I am well aware of how real re-gain is... My reaction to it was based on the shift from the version of Carnie that SHE presented to the world as a somewhat demure, thin person vs the coarser version of Carnie that she presented last night, not on her weight itself.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 1/3/12 9:02 am - FL
keep in mind people watching the show know one person struggled with anorexia and one person struggled with obesity. It is an obvious factor in their selection, to me? In the past they have selected a peace-loving "hippie" and an extremist "right winger"... the differences are intentional.

I see where you get that she was perpetuating the stereotype. We as obese / formerly obese may not see it that way, but I would bet money there were people at home commenting on the big chick with the sloppy house.
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 1/3/12 9:08 am - OH
The people at work today certainly did (as I knew they would).  Sadly, they also joked about how Tracey had "obviously" overcome her fear of eating (when, knowing how extremely thin she was at one point in time, I was happy to see her at a normal size and looking healthy).


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Shelly S.
on 1/3/12 10:55 am - Mason, MI
Having read through this thread, I googled the trailer for the show and watched that---Lora, it made me sad too. However, the thing I took away from it was that to maintain weight loss, one has to follow the "rules". And Carnie seemed to reject rules of any kind. Her issues may run deep, like many of us, but part of the shift that must happen to maintain a weight loss is to embrace the rules and adhere to them.

I am not in maintenance yet, but study it closely here and elsewhere and the thing I have observed is that it is a daily struggle to relate to food and an active lifestyle.

I know you were not judging her by any means. I do agree with you Lora, she did not do gastric bypass people any favors though. We can only keep her in our prayers because many here, you and I included, know the demons she faces daily.

I was sad too.

BTW, it is good to see you here, Lora---I have missed you!
Shelly Smith    
HW 326 SW 293 CW 180 GW 160        
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