Dealing with the scars

on 1/22/12 3:31 pm
 Advice on minimizing the scars from the surgery?  What did you use on them and how did it work?

Saying good bye to the fat, uncomfortable life I am living and hello to a thinner, more active second half of life!!!!    
on 1/22/12 6:27 pm - NH
Is your RNY open? Mine was lap so I only had a few small "scars" that I had to try to find a year later. I did have a panniculectomy though and used CVS scar strips. They worked very well! 2 years later I can still see that scar, but it isn't bad at all, just a white line. After the panni all the scars from my RNY were gone  

High 250/Consult Weight 245/Surgery 205/Now 109
Height 5'4.5" BMI 18.4
In maintenance since June 2009

on 1/22/12 8:02 pm
Mine was also lap and eventhough I dislike tanning I was thinking of getting a little tan just to turn them silver faster.
I'm glad someone posted about the panni because I've been wondering if that helped.
Two of mine healed real nicely but the three others popped open when I was bending over after they removed the staples.
If I could do it over I would have enforced the sterile strips a little better.
on 1/22/12 10:22 pm - NH
For me the Panni helped because all the skin that had the RNY incisions was removed. I "upgraded" to an extended panniculectomy (belly button moved, but no muscle tightening).

High 250/Consult Weight 245/Surgery 205/Now 109
Height 5'4.5" BMI 18.4
In maintenance since June 2009

on 1/23/12 12:29 am - West Fargo, ND
I would be careful about tan with regards to scars. I was told by my surgeon that if I was going to do any tanning at all to be sure to use sunscreen on my scar lines cause they will tend to burn.
Original weight 285. Lowest weight 210. Revision weight 249. Size 24W
Current weight 210 as of February 23, 2012!!!
Current size 16-18 as of February 25, 2012!!!
on 1/22/12 8:08 pm
I had laparoscopic RNY 13 months ago.  I also had one incision "pop open" - the one where my drain was located.  It was a bigger, pinker-looking scar for months.  Now, after 13 months, it is just barely visible.  Also, I'm very fair-skinned, which I understand can mean scars will be more visible for a longer time.  I'm very happy with how mine have healed.
   SW:  285   GW:  155    CW:  143          
on 1/22/12 10:33 pm
I don't think the scars are anything to worry about. Once you have your bikini body, the scars are hardly visible.
I think it has a lot to do with the loose skin because even my stretch marks and 12 inch gallbladder scar are barely visible now. I think maybe the fullness of my fat made them brighter but now that my skin in no longer taut, I just can't see them anymore.
on 1/23/12 4:34 am - VA
 I've been using Mederma for a few weeks now. My lap sites are rather dark, if you ask me.  They seemed to be a darker red.  The Mederma seems to be making them a little lighter but it can take up to 8 weeks of use.  

on 1/23/12 4:59 am
 Mine was laparascopic, but they are dark.  I like all the ideas and I hope that I lose all my weight so I can have the plastic surgery!!!
Saying good bye to the fat, uncomfortable life I am living and hello to a thinner, more active second half of life!!!!    
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